Forever Denlightened self & every entity across multiple universes by walking the talk full of ethics & values, is the objective of this blog. Thanks & best wishes to all the URL on Blog. Gratitude to 125+ million people from 175 countries for reading Solution Master e Free Book which claims that Achieving Sustainable Development Goals is possible on earth or everywhere. May God Bless Us All. Whether you hate me, Whether you love me, I am going to Contribute, Contribute,Contribute.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The article for Entrepreneurs
American English on Voice of America (VOA)
Daily Radio:
Index for special English on this website:
The Mersenne Prime number having more than 1.2 million digits
The light bulb that can make anyone millionaire?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Extreme Ways to Save Money
MSN and Rediff have articles on this issue:
Living poor and loving it:
Pocket T.V. are cheaper now
XDV -W600 is the TV from Sony.
You carry it in the pocket.
Thus size is reducing, technology is innovating, great for future generations.
Why do people speak lie?
Just now there is an article that appeared on the msn. It is on career web site. The career website of msn.>1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=2&cbsid=e41e043e82d442b2a8818711e7ba9fe6-275960586-JE-5>1=23000
In it is claimed that more than 10% have placed false ...untruthful experience, qualifications, claims...etc.
Why do people speak a lie when job can be done with honesty?
Otherwise the experience will be exposed hence, why not start with truth?
Any how, whether in India, USA, Russia, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, UK, this country or that country, 100% honesty and truthfulness is not the way of life.
Here comes the problem. If some one speak a lie, next generation speaks, next, next, .... million generations speak a lie on certain issues, after 2 millionth generation humanity will not survive because of these lies. Why?
Take example, any one biggest organisation that throws chemicals in the sea. After 2 million generation the whole sea/ oceans will be polluted and it will not be worth touching the sea. Gone.
Similarly, air, earth, .... everything will be polluted and Earth will be non-livable entity.
However, who cares?
Either God cares or few truthful people.
If don't care humanity will die natural death and that will be invited by their own deeds.
Still let us hope for the best.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Retirement planning articles on msn
Planning Retirement:
Retirement planning calculator:
Retirement expence Calculator:
Retirement planning:
Thinking to plan retirement right from 30's:
Retirement Fund:
For middle class people:
Legal Papers that are must in life:
Some important steps to be taken at the age 60:
Money decisions at 50:
What is important after retirement?
Living good in retirement:
Avoiding getting out of money:
Retirement checklist:
Secrets to retire safely:
Long term insurance:
Big plan:
How to retire at 40:
Pay for retirement an video on msn: thanks to website:
Separating wants from needs:
How to avoid taxes after retirement: video:
Hidden threats to your life's earnings:
Servival guide for un-insured people after retirement:
Insure kids right now:
Take help from budding doctors:
How much to trust the financial advisor:
Low cost retirement:
About reverse mortgage:
Ease your parents to come to your home:
Prblem list in financial crisis get prepared:
Protecting money in crisis:
Myth of millionaire retirement:
Life expectancy calcualtor:
Protection for customers whose Insurance organisation got bankcrupt:
Grand father under debt?
Planning your pension for life:
Honnesty about longetivity:
Escaping rat race:
coming more.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Friday, September 26, 2008
Some classical questions asked by children
1. Why and how does light travels billions of light years, when in the fog on earth we cannot see the car ahead?
2. Man is stronger than fishes. Then why do we cannot stay inside sea, when fishes can survive?
3. Why cannot everyone see God?
4. Why do my neighbors speak a lie? Then why I have been punished for speaking a lie?
5. Who is stronger Man or Machine? Then why cannot I lift that building?
6. Why truthful people like Shree Ram, Christ, suffer in this world?
7. Why I am restricted to do certain things when you elders do those things? Like watching TV, etc.
8. Why people beg, when there is so much food stuff shown on the news?
9. Why all people are not rich?
10. Why do poor people do not wear sweater in winter but still stay fit?
11. Why rich people like us who have so much to wear do not share with poor?
12. Why should Sunita Williams went to USA to go into space and why not she could do it in India?
13. What is religion?
14. What is caste?
15. Why do older people fight?
16. Why cannot we share one room with beggar at our big house?
17. Why older people are more brutal than children?
18. If all species are Friends then why animals eat animals?
19. Why we landed on moon and not on Sun?
20. If water can be seen then why cannot I see air?
21. Why do we require police if every one is good and truthful in this world?
22. As mom does her work well in house, then why do a manager is required to look after workers?
coming more.
Oracle jumps into lucrative computer hardware business
After s/w success.
Luxurious Train Journeys in India
Rajavials: Bangalore:
Business Line:
Job portals verses Economic Slow Down
Workoholism and Research on it
Thanks to all websites.
Salary Calculator for 2007: A good initiative towards transperency
Fantastic initiative.
Comparison has started between g-phone and i-phone
Google completes 10 years and alignment of more than 1 trillion web pages
1 Trillion web pages on Google:
Google's jurney on their official website and on official blog: Time wise journey:
1998 onward:
2000 onward:
2002 onward:
Next Journey:
Journey Next:
Google's own blog directory:
Google Products:
Google Ads:
Google Developers/ Tools/ s/w /and h/w:
Worldwide and Region wide Google:
coming more.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
Passion and Passionate
We have friend he is very passionate about his teaching. Other friend about Research. Other friend about sofware develpment. Other friend about gardening. Other freind about sending superb email to friends. Other friend has passion to make lot of friends. Other friend about cooking. Other friend about wandering to new places on earth, especially challenging ones. ....
List is unending.
Passion drives these people they donot require any encouragement.
There is limit many have understood however few do not understand the limit and hence go extra miles some times.
coming more.
What is Experience?
One of my senior, "Only negative experience is the experience in life. For example if you go to a vacation trip on certain mountain top. Your climbing system fails and helicopter comes to rescue and then you are freed, is the experience.
Other experience could be I tried to reach interview on time but my car got punctured and I had to walk 10 miles."
Everyone laughed.
Other senior, "Only positive experience is the experience in life. Helicopter came to rescue is positive experience. Some one gave you lift to travel 10 miles instead you walk the road in above case. Also, mother takes care of child is an positive experience. These are the only experience in lives."
Everyone were touched.
Other senior, "Experience is every moment phenomenon. It could be gooood, baaaad, worst, excellent, exciting and what not. However, you learn from experience and remember the do's and don't in life. E.g. first time you go to jungle, you whistle and lion comes and stands before you. So you stop whistling, blow a torch on Lion's face and Lion vanishes away from the scene."
Everyone laughed.
Thus every one has his own view but valid views.
coming more.
My dream job, every one's dream job
1. Cushy
2. Less tension
3. Less hazardous
4. Lot of new things to know which are interesting to me
5. Lot of job security
6. Lot of freeness and independence
7. Flexible timing
8. Less challenging or having challenges which are easy to achieve
9. Do less but lot of Recognition
10. Must be dynamic and taking to many places on earth
11. Good Salary and perks
12. Family taken care
13. Health taken care for family
14. Insurance coverage for family
15. Car and chauffeur
16. Free holidays
17. .......
So this is dream job only happens when you day dream. There is no such job with no hastles.
One of my friend, said, "Come on, shake you well my friends, wake up from day dreaming, there is no talent management or employee importance in this world. Exploitation is the mantra of success in all the organisation, either monetary, or knowledge, or skills, or .....even your presence could be exploited and non presence is also exploited. The reason to say this is, your employer will always earn 1000 times more on your skills than you earn. On the other hand Governments earn Tax from the Employers,....thus the chain is unending. It is not fault of anyone it looks the system has taken this turn after so many years".
It is debatable issue. But he has shown me, Facts are hard to digest but there is no dream job available in this Universe/ Multiverse.
However, I know few people they are doing simple jobs and are not only satisfied with life but also with earning and other achievements. These people say, "Job satisfaction is not outside it is inside the mind of humanbeings."
coming more.
Zoological Friends
From Viruses to all the tineast species to the giant species like The Blue Whales are my all Zoological friends.
OF them mosquitoes are the most biting entities.
Squirrel is the most playfull.
Dogs are the most friendly and loyal.
Cats are the most cunning.
Ants are always there before monsoon.
Lizards are always there to be seen.
Crows, sparrows, moinas, ,....
They show how vast this creation of god is.
However, my scientists firnds are still searching for newer and newer species, in fact even extra terestrial as well.
Then it will be trillions of species once humanbeing start finding such extraterretrial species.
There could species made up of anti matter as well, in some distant galaxies.
We'll continue.
Timeliness is godliness
In Indian system, we have calculations up to cetain billions and trillions of years.
E.g. Kali yug comprises of 430,000 years, Dwapar yug 430,000X 2= 860,000 years, Treta yug 430,000X3= 1,290,000 and the Krut yug/ Sat yug comprises of 430,000 X 4 = 1,720,000 years.
All 4 yugas become one second of brahmadev,.....something like this.
Such 1000 years become one day of Braham dev.
Such 1000 years of Brahama Dev is one day of Vishnu.
Such 1000 years of Vishnu is one day of Shiva.
Such 1000 years of Shiva is one 16th of second or 1 pal of Kalimata/ Jaganmata.
Imagine these calculations.
Then there is calculations on the 10 raised to minus 13 as well.
The story of Brahmadev and Shrikrishna meeting. Timeliness.
coming more with proofs/ references from holy scripts/ ancient scripts from all over the world.
Dscssion on number of topics is must at some time in life
My friends and me took one IAS entrance book and used discuss every topic for 8 to 10 hours. Many went on to become IAS, IPS, CA, Engineers, Doctors, .....Some entered business, some became teachers, ...but that discussion gave the indeapth view of India to all of us.
How much loss is National Calamity?
$1 million, much?
How many people loosing lives is national calamity?
How much time and resources loss at projects or while taking decision is national or international calamity?
Time has come to decide otherwise the losses could run in trillions in coiming era.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Harmless people and creatures
Once there was contest in my near and dear ones.
Firends said,
Everyone laughed at it.
Then there was voting in college who is the most harmless Professor.
Prof. S. K. came out to be one.
Then there was voting for who is harmless student. Come on out of almost 2000 students, I was voted 1st.
The reason anyone could eat my tiffin / lunch box, which I carried being localite/ day scholar. Literally friends used take away my lunch box when the lecture was on. It used to come to me during the time of lunch and I could never know who was doing that. The reason, my bag would be in same position, at same place and lunch box intact except the eating stuff inside.
Similarly, my Note-Pad in which I used to take down the notes during the lecture.
Oh, those were the days.
Any how, literally speaking it is very difficult to remain harmless now a days. Still there are many whom you could call harmless people as well as creatures.
God bless them all, being the weakest they have to survive in this survival of the fittest world.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Lioness in Church
"I have no enemy", a normal simple humanbeing said. How much it is true?
Being a simple unknown person in this world, I said this sentence to my friends.
Out of them Doctor said, "Come on I am doctor and don't say this before me".
Astrologer said, "Come on don't say it before me".
The list is unending. Their is no personal enmity but there are few forces that could go against anyone in this world....
However, there is one force called almighty who is always with his devotee...
There were umpteen number of comments.
Cell phone can do ubiquotos and unlimited jobs
Cell phone / mobile market explosive expansion in India
Internet as blessings for people living at a far off places
What's the use and importance of new idea or new creation?
What's the use and importance of new idea or new creation?
Once Michael Faraday was demonstrating his new invention, the dynamo/ generator. He demonstrated that magnets and electrical coil can generate electricity.
Suddenly a lady with child in her lap stood up and asked him, "What's the use of it?"
Faraday said, "Madam, what is the use of your child, a new born baby?"
She said, "He could be any top personality like President of the state,"
Faraday, "Similarly madam, using this technology humanity can generate electricity for multiple use."
That's the importance of any new idea and new creation and innovation.
Automobile Industry is more than 100 years old, while electronic industry is younger to it. However, with entrance of million odd innovators have made so many inventions in Electronic industry that it has become unstoppable force now.
That's why never underestimate the ideas and new creations, some ideas can shake the world in and out.
Once one foolish person asked to Edison, "Why you try 10000 times and waste national resources when that bulb is not glowing?"
Edison said, "Now I know 10000 ways the bulb will not glow".
Later on Electric bulb were found in the room of the person who criticized Edison.
Epic Ramayana was written earlier and then it happened. Hence, only 12 Rishis/ Sadhus/ Munis/ Spiritual Scientists knew that Prabhu Ramchandra was incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Shree Ram was criticized for his truthfulness and ideal practices by very few people, otherwise was respected well by family and friends and people. Even people like Ravana became his enemy as well. However, Shree Ram stick to his idealness, Marayadapurushottam behaviour. He idealised the limitations of every relation in life, it could be mother, wife, father, sons, brothers, step mothers, servants, society, nation, disciple, guru, etc.
Later on the whole human societies are talking about limitation of life,....etc. Many religions, dogmas, castes, creeds, faiths,.... follow his limitations so that this earth could sustain.
Thus, even god came here contributed and went away.
Thus, ideas and contribution does matter. The reason to contribute is given by Swami Vivekanand. He said, “100 years earlier we were not here on earth and 100 years later we’ll not”.
Hence, let us contribute tangibly and intangibly as well so that this humanity could sustain.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Inspiration from poor people from Kerala to other states
India is 2nd in position for FDI, according to UNCTAD report
22 years old and youngest Doctor in UK
Great Achivement by any means. Quite inspiring to lady wing as Dr. Ms. Raichura is the one who achived this feat.
Space Age Technology, practicality and passion a good article on Washington Post
A chicken size Dinosaur fossils found in Canada
What governement does to save giant economies
Just read Honorable USA President's address:
Fundamentals to participate in Reality Show from MSN
Few may differ few may agree but let us know how people have won Reality Shows:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The islands though disappearing still have their importance
After g-mail it is g-phone
Googlemail and now googlephone.
It was g-mail, now it is g-phone.
Indian Film star to adopt flood hit village for rehabilitation
It's Mr. Akshay Kumar. He has formed a NGO with Mr. Prakash Za.
Earlier also Vivek Oberoi worked for some WB/UN work.
Great to know the contributions.
Chinese Space Walk
Great Achievement.
again same comment.
Humanity has become more and more fragmented society. 1957 Russia, 1959 USA, 2008 China then 2010 India, 2080 some other nation.
Is it human development or national development?
When asteroid or some object will strike to earth the whole earth will be in danger not nations. Hence, space technology and its development should be tought from only one paradigm, the paradigm of the whole humanity.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude
Indian spacecraft on moon in 2008. Great Achievement. But, I have one more thought for greater and better development of humanity.
Great achievement by India.
One more point.
Why we talk about national level technology development when it comes to space technologies? 1969 USA, 2008 India, 2009 China, 2100 some other country.
In fact what 1969 USA did we should be at next level when it comes to humanity. Research must be cumulatively advanced level otherwise humanity will never be able to reach places in the Universe.
Instead of creating unfair competition humanity must work together on space issue, otherwise, when the asteroid or some space matter/ item/ meteorite/ comet/... which may strike earth will destroy the whole earth. Hence, cumulative and combined efforts I always talk about.
In fact individual, group, family, city, province, nation, continent, earth, solar system, galaxy, Universe, Multiverse,.. these are different paradigms, hence I am talking about development of whole humanity and reaching to places in Universe then to Multiverse.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude
Atlantis and Endeavour both on Luanch pad at NASA KSC
It is to repair the Hubble space telescope and A is main space shuttle but E is put as standby.;posts
Supporting NASA
Hadron Collider Magnets' a/c goes unstable
May be the experiment will start next year now, but, magnets are being checked for their airconditining required for the superconducting.
How Stanford University got its foundation?
This is not my original story. I have received this email for at least 25 times hence I could know it.
The crux of the story is that the simplest people hold more powers and authority in the world than the known biggies in the world.
Once, a couple with simple attire was standing outside the president of the Harvard University. The came suddenly without prior notice. They asked for appointment with President to his personal secretary.
The then President of HU was reluctant to meet them looking at their attire. He said to his secretary that he was not interested in meeting such people.
Secretary requested couple to wait outside.
After several hours, again they asked but in vain.
Finally President came out and enquired.
Couple said, "We had a son who was studying in Harvard and he died in accident hence would like to donate something to HU".
President some how said that he could not built a statue for all students who study in HU and otherwise it would look like Cemetery.
Then couple said, "A Building?"
President thought they might be poor and would not be able to donate and would get away. Hence, he said that it costs them several hundred million dollars.
Wife among the couple said, "Just this much is required to start University?"
They went away due to this insult, without uttering a single word.
They founded and started the University in USA, now what is known as Stanford University.
Great people never show, they owe.
While people who show never have it.
It's a great lesson.
Friday, September 19, 2008
What countries are doing to tackle the financial crises?
USA: The biggest such plan after 1929:
The Financial crisis on Wall Street:
Australia pumped $20 billion dollars:
power off.
Why ethics in technology and business and everyday life are important? Live Example is here.
Technology section of NYT:
CFO and CTO's arranged the technologies in such a fashion that they reflected only positive side of the coin.
Great lesson for all of us.
Measures taken by countries to tackle financial crisis
Australia and Japan pump in $20 billion in the market:
Personal Time (poem)
Some times one feel that time is passing very fast,
Few hours, days, years become momentary phenomenon.
Some times one feel that time is not at all going ahead,
It has stalled or is moving so slow that even a snail is faster than it.
Whenever one does engrossing and interesting work,
He gets lost in the work and never realises how much time has elapsed.
Whenever one does un-interesting work,
He gets bored and feels that time ant is faster than the time got elapsed.
However in this long span of life, you won't get ideal situation,
Some where you have to find a golden middle road every where.
Time is the best solution over few problems,
Time is the best healer for few emotional blows,
Time is the tyrant it comes and nothing is left,
Time is also creator which innovates and creates a lot of beautiful things,
Time is the best teacher which teaches us at every moment,
Time is the best God which let you know its value at every moment,
Provided you realise its real worth and capitalise in your life.
Patent, copyright, and how to do it?
People to contact:
Patent Offices around the world:
Some othe websites:
Indian Patent:
European Patent:
comoing more. power offfffff.
Personal Helicopter and Aeroplanes have huge demand in future
Thanks to website:
Let us see what have been done on this topic in past:
Every car owner in future can have his own plane:
About ground facilities:
About licencing and other stuff:
Some other articles:
Useful Aircraft websites:
VTOL: Verticle Take-Off and landing:
Personal Aircraft:
Patent in USA:
Why has it been invented?
coming more.
Valuable and Ethical Research and Contribution is important who does is not important
As mentioned in Geeta, Arjun, became nimittmatra, meaning just for the name sake a person to whom the lord Shreekrishna talked. To whom god showered his blessings to show his real forms. Similarly, in the life of this earth, Research and contributions from many species is important, if the human being is the most contributor then among humans who does does not matter if it done ethically and with values.
There is so much left to be done in every field that sometimes we feel nothing have been achived by man. We still have to go to moon, mars and beyond and set up human civilisation there, take care of all on earth, .......Hence, faster the contribution and development the better.
Where to use I and where not to use I?
Where to use I and where not to use I?
In spirituality it is always said that those who have lesser ego reach pinnacle of spirituality. The reason being sublime your I and you get fused with God, the almighty.
Once I was discussing it with one of my friend. Suddenly their in the bus there came a advertisement board mentioning TO-LET.
The joke generated was, please don't add I in between To and Let.
Similar is the case with too much me, myself, my family, my city, my nation, my continent, my earth, my solar system, my galaxy, my Universe, and my Multiverse. Come on believe more in contribution than taking credit or quarreling, because in this world so much has left to be done than done, that, there is no time for these useless things.
In top class movies you might have seen the real hard worker never takes the credit as he has sublimated his I the ego. Though he is the biggest contributor still no claims.
That is how concept of detachment was generated by holy scripts like Geeta and ......
It is sure, once it has been given much importance then it has a point in it.
Many have experience it as well that if you have less ego or have brushed your ego or those who know how to keep themselves down to earth become the biggest contributors in their later part of lives.
Thus, lesson is use your ego, egotism, egoism, I less frequently but do not forget to use it where ever required at precise moment and in proper circumstances. Just refer scripts from various religions where to use I and not to use.
Amen. Amin. Aum.
Think Tank
Many nations have their startegic thinkers associated with this group of people called Think Tank.
coming more.
Buy property on moon, land prices are lesser at the present moment
We were discussing it on lighter side but just see how many websites are devoted to this future or futuristic venture. Great Competition.
Buy property on moon land prices are lesser at the present moment:
Starting shop on moon:
BBC News:
Lunar embassy:
All the best.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Computer Chips and Integrated Circuit Manufacturing processes
Just see the list down how many are manufacturing it, visit the web sites and see the contribution to the world.
Is it progress of human being or progress of few nations?Yes? Then we are very slow in progress.
NASA, USA goes to Moon in 1969.
China and India 2010.
Uganda in 2100.
Sierra Leon in 2200.
Is it human progress or progress of one nation each. To hell with such progress. Because very nation has to start from scratch / zero.
In fact cumulative and progressive research can take humanity to places.
Hence, my request is this:
Please deal, individual, family, locality, city, province, national, continental, earthian, solar system, galaxy, Universal, Multiversal issue at respective levels.
Otherwise we are very slow in progress.
Inclusive Growth of all human beings is it possible or a Utopian concept?
I have delivered a lecture during one of my international award ceremony. Let us see what others say:
World Bank:,,contentMDK:20980493~pagePK:146736~piPK:146830~theSitePK:223547,00.html
The Hindu:
A discussion by deesha:
Monek Singh Ahluwalia at Wharton:
coming more.
Quantum Teleportation:
Professor Langer who holds lot of patents and copyrights
This world is full of gems, diamonds, genius, multiskilled and multiple achivers. Professor Langer is one among them.
Langer Lab:
Places you can find him:
coming more.
Dr. Ashish Urkude
Jayant Naralikar and Fred Hoyle Research
Noble Laureate Lecture Series a good Initiative in India
These scientists are one among the best in the world. Hence its importance.
Classical Ideas to be tried in Hadron Collider and for other scientists.
If photon/ electron can travel at the speed of 99.99999 speed of light, then why not brush up and reduce their size and let them travel at the speed of light?
If matter particles are possible then "vacuum particles" also are possible. As ultimately vacuum also occupies some volume. These particles can travel at tachonic speeds, i.e. more than the speed of light. The idea was generated when a 'hole' travels in the semiconductor. (Hole is the space left due to electrong leaving that place).
Once I read, positron and electron collision create energy and some part of them vanishes into unknown. This unknowsn could be that vacuum. So we must try generating particles out of that "unknown".
If electrons can be broken then even Quarks can be broken.
Dark matter does exists and dark energy also exists. If matter is converted into energy then why not energy into matter?
If we diminish the particle size of photon by 10 times then its travelling speed should increase by 10 times the speed of light. I mean tachonic speed is possible.
If electron microscope is possible then Quark microscope is possible.
If Nano technology is possible then Quark technology is possible.
You can reach the speed "at the speed of thought and we can travel to any place in the Universe and Multiverse without travesing the path".
I know there are the challenges before the Classical Physics but it is possible. Let us try to get more out of that matrix which is generaed by Lord Buddha out of which we could generate only few technologies worth shaking the world. There are 120 billion more possibilties in that.
Space ship made up of vacuum can travel faster than the speed of light, but you must have technology to hold that true. In fact if plasma of 1,000,0000,000 degrees celcius could be hold between the maganets then there must be some technology to hold this vacuum which could be useful in future.
We can generate a Aeroplane which will avoid the gravity effect and will stand above my house, at the end of 12 hours I'll be on USA without trvesing any movement. Thus, we can save fuel.
I feel Humanbeings are very backward species if they cannot achive these and few more technologies that will expand their base on multiple Universes.
Unsung heroes
Probably sensitivity and recognition have become dominance of imperialistic societies
The reason to say that is there are more unsung heroes than the sung heroes.
I know many scientists who have formulae and ideas that can shake the world.
However, they are been sidelined for the only one cause keeping safety and security of few.
I know many who have better abilities than reel heroes like James Bond
However, they are not known to public.
I know many who have better skills than top corporates
However, they have limited themselves to avoid name and fame
I know many social workers whose contributions are better than any noble prize, Magsaysay award winners
However, they are unsung and their fellow also know this person don't like name, fame, awards
I know many who have sacrificed their lives for the survival of humanity,
However, the credit was either taken away by boss, organisation or other entities.
I know many richer than the richest
I know many who have more authorities than any known authorities in the world,
I know many such heroes who are REAL heroes and not any known REEL heores,
That's the real heroe's real qualtiy.
I know, many unsung heroes who have contributed better and more than any known heroes.
This is good stroy on one hand as world is run by these people
This is a bad story on other hand as world never been able to know them and will not be able to know them in future as well.
I like unsung heroes as their real joy, excitment lies in contribution than any other non-sense.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
I know personally many who eat their hunger and drink their thirst
In this is GREAT world, I know more people who eat hunger and drink their thirst
Yes, I know personally many who eat their hunger and drink their thirst.
I know only few heroes who have either money, skill or education, or all of these,
I know billions who don't have these qualities and hence they are unsung.
I know few who reached at the top by ethics and values,
Yes, I know many who reached at top by unethical means.
I know few who earned millions by ethical means
Yes, I know many who have earned billions by unethical means.
I know few who earned degrees by unethical means,
Yes, I know millions who earned their education by ethical means.
I know many workers who work day and night and build giant buildings
Yes, I know they do not live in thos hives but stay put in huts throughout their lives.
I know many whose contributions can shake this world
Yes, I know but they are unsung heroes and their contribution have been nullified 'on purpose'.
I know many who have contributed the most
Yes, I know however, they could not get any attention due to favoritism of people.
This world is full of contrasts, contradictions and full of atrocities
This world works more behind the scenes than before y/our eyes.
This world dumps the best of the bests
This world do not like idealistic people
This world do not deserve to last longer as ethics and values are been consciously allowed to degrade on mass scale
This world is beautiful but the end is inevitable once you allow corrupt minds to work
This world is heaven but practicality is overtaking idealistic ventures
This world is full of selfish desires
This world has certain end, the reason being, that which has to born has to die one day.
Let us make this world a really caring world than 'who cares' world.
Otherwise, human being will never come to know why it has end.
Otherwise, human beings will die their own death due to their own created path.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Forbes 2000 list
Indian Companies:
American Organisations:
all lists.
Experts looking for jobs in crisis situation, Forbes article
Personal Time Planning
Humans always have selected memory and like to live in comfort, hence, they tend to forget some work or skip some work or otherwise they try to tax their memory for petty things. Some times they tax memory for big things only and forget smaller work/ job....
Many people maintain their diary/ work book/ log book/ personal information system like outlook, excel sheet, or put alarms, or write everyday work on the black/ white board. It keeps them on time and they get the work done in better way than others.
Few of my seniors, like my father, neighboring grand father, have been using black board at home to get the work done on time and with efficiency.
Few people tell their wives, and these ladies with multitasking abilities always come help to them. Few leaders and managers have their secretary to help them.
coming more.
Watch video MONKEY pulling tail and ear of a TIGER
Thanks to rediff.ishare: Great video:
Watch little baby elephant toddling
Thanks to rediff.ishare video 1 minute movie:
It is Universal phenomenon whether India or China, to digest winning or loosing in any sport
In sport one team wins other lose but how many can digest? Few.
It is Universal phenomenon whether India or China, to digest winning or loosing in any sport. In fact an enquiry is put up in China. Just read, how, Chinese are going to find reason and will rectify it to win more gold in Olympics and pull triumph in other fields.
Arctic Sea Ice is in trouble and on the verge of extinction?
It could lead to hot earth, may lead to ice age, may distrub weather patterns on earth, could slow down the gulf streams, could lead to ....
coming more articles on this issue.
NOW, Britain is on the verge of energy crisis
Thanks to BBC.
Latest in the Electronic Technologies
We, myself and my colleague Prof. Srikanth, visited the Tech fair, Electronic India, Bangalore, India it was worth an experience to see, watch, understand, the technologies and manufacturing processes and the efforts put up by human beings around the world to achieve this great success.
See the official website:
The exihibitors list: the URL:
Final Report:
coming more.
Geneva 2008 New Car and Auto Show
Thanks to all websites:
Nissan Pivo 2 concept:
KTM X-Bow Concept:
Mazda Taiki Concept:
Yamaha Tesseract Concept:
Hummer HX Concept:
Suzuki Pixy Concept:
coming more.
All FUEL Universal Engine fit for any fuel to run your vehicle. An engine running on multiple and leading to infinite fuel possibilities.
During our Engineering we thought about one single Universal engine that can run on hydrogen the universal fuel, petroleum, bio-fuel, solar fuel, air, water, any other gas, ... so that vehicle never stops its journey. An engine running on multiple and leading to infinite fuel possibilities.
There are already duel fuel engines, in that if we fit computerised adjuster then certainly it is possible. Once the idea was conceived some other fantastic ideas also came up. Ideas are many and unlimited only thing required is how to capitalise these out of the box and lateral ideas? The solution found out to be team of such scientists and supporting entities.....
Let us see how far have reach on this front:
See Original Research:
Thanks to website of ANL, the Argonne National Laboratory.
A breakthrough in finding a specie called "Water Bears" that can survive and multiply in space
Our ancestors in India could count 8.4 million species on earth. While our past few generations and my generation still could not find that many number of species on earth. We need to expand our Research. Naturally as we grow in number and variety on earth, then, there could be few more species that can survive in space, vacuum, multi-terrain or even space travel and beyond.It is not imagination these are the facts.Hence, I still feel we are very very slow in progress of scientific research on earth. There are still billions and trillions of ethical and advantageous possibilities we have not attempted yet on earth that could help us grow human civilisations in multiple places in the Universe rather multiverse I would say now after knowing billions of galaxies.The crux, is more people need to be involved from various countries and that too Faster and on wider Research.
Thanks to all the websites especially "New Scientists":
Watch also the video on the Youtube that is with the article.
Read on the blog of new scientists as well:
Indians on buying spree in London
Thanks to from the Hindu daily, Bangalore:
Brave decision by Ranchi based school to adopt 100 orphans
The biggest asset of human beings on earth is their own human beings. Let us tap these resources we require them, and we must develop them to the extent that these capable people can set up their anywhere in the Universe. Let us start from earth first. Great decision by the school to adopt 100 children. It requires huge motivation and back up help from the alert and contributing society.
Thanks to
Colours of India part 1, Colours of Ganesha
Thanks to Ganesh festival photographs:
Friday, September 12, 2008
Andhra Pradesh's "AP model is coming up to create 10 million millionaire"
thanks to
So many times, I hear environmental pollution
So many times, I hear water pollution
So many times, I hear air pollution
So many times, I hear noise pollution
So many times, I hear audio-visual pollution
So many times, I hear mind pollution
So many times, I hear corruption in pollution itself.
However, why don't someone understand it is pollution of TIME.
The hole we are digging in Ozone layer,
Will take few decades of TIME to recover.
The water pollution will require few more decades of TIME to clean.
The air pollution will require few more decades of TIME to clean.
The audio-video pollution will require few more decades of TIME to clean.
The corruption pollution will require few more decades of TIME to clean.
The mind pollution will require few more decades of TIME to clean.
To cleans the pollution on earth will require few more decades of TIME.
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term profits for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term productivity for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term goals for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term objective for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term mission for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term vision for our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short term enjoyment of our generation only
We are not investing TIME, in fact we are wasting our TIME on short sighted credo for our generation only
The Time from History,
The Time on the face of little children,
The time on the face of young generation,
The time on the face of older generation,
The time on the face of each creature,
The time in the heart of each specie,
The time in the deepest ocean,
The time in the deepest sky,
Is calling us, is calling us, it tries to tell us,
Wake up human being,
It is not late yet.
You can recover from this bad phase,
Provided you give value to truthfulness,
Provided you give value to honesty,
Provided you give value to disciplined life,
Provided you give value to pollution free life,
Provided you give value to Time,
Provided you give value to belongingness of this world.
Hey, Human being do not forget you are part of pollution
that you are spreading around the world.
Time will tell you what is the cost,
Time will tell you what is the worth.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up for enlightening self
Wake up for new creation
Wake up for sustainable growth
Wake up for welfare of all species
Wake up to live clean Time life and not Time polluted life.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude
The paradox of journey called life
Sometimes the shortest journey is the most difficult,
Ex. Reaching to the core of Atom, which is just 10 raised to -15.
Sometimes the longest journey is the most difficult,
Ex. Reaching to nearest galxy.
Sometimes the shortest journey become the longest,
Ex. Understanding the heart of the mother.
Sometimes the longest becomes hardest.
Ex. Taking human civilisation to some nearest galaxy.
Sometimes the shortest journey becomes the easiest.
Ex. Taking a walk upto temple/ church/ synogogue/ mosque to offer prayer to god.
Sometimes the shortest journey becoms the easiest,
Ex. Reaching to the heart of one self.
Sometimes life become most difficult on the easiest path,
Ex. Living a simple, trustworthy full of faith and glam less life.
Sometimes life becomes easiest in most difficult circumstances,
Ex. A devoted student studying day and night to score maximum even after he didn't have moeny to pay for his final examinations.
coming more.
You may be a brand loyal, but, brand may or may not be loyal to you
Oxford University Publication people contacted me for authoring a book. Later they rejected on the ground that my area of specialisation is not their taste of business.
Now, you see, I am been born and brought in the family who have Oxford Dictionary, and other books like 11, 12th grade/ standard books like Biology, Physics, Chemistry, .....many such publications were the norm. Readers Digest, National Geographic, Britannica Encyclopedia, Children Knowledge Bank,... were also authentic books at my all relatives and family members.
So today, I learnt my lesson.
You may be brand loyal, but, brand may or may not be loyal to you.
So what that is life.
Dearest and nearest people may or may not be your idols and icons but some hypothetical or some known or unknown leader to whom you have not experienced from near may be your idol or icon. It is different case, that the person to whom you think as your idol or icon may or may not know that a person of your name exists.
Similarly, the case could be about yourself.
It shows, that, in this vast world of uncertainty, you never know, what is in your plate next moment. Uncertainty and change of stance has become order of the day.
You may project high about your organisation but your organisation may or not be projecting your name as positively as required.
Thus, you may be brand loyal, but, brand may not be loyal to you.
We have Sony TV and other electronic items, since last 25 years or more, does it mean that Sony will be Brand Loyal to its customers, it does not know personally?
Thus, You may be a brand loyal, but, brand may not be loyal to you
coming more.
Can some one offer prayer for some one else? Can it bring Result? The answer is YES.
Just now I read Ms. Indra Nuyi's mother offers 4 to 5 hours prayer for her daughter.
The question arises in the minds of Rationalists is it possible?
The rational answer is, Yes.
Just see Governments around the world develop Electricity Power Stations and when one switches on in his house the light glows.
Another example could be water is their in every house hold after travelling a journey from big pipe to smaller pipes.
Similarly, older people say that if you pray for someone else the prayer reaches to God. Like water from tap reaching to river source, in reverse path and ultimately reaches to the person for whom we offer prayers.
Another example could be from your own Personal Computer you can contact the Server and Server then sends the message to the desired computer.
There are many examples in the Spirituality and Mythologies and in the History where such prayers were offered from some one else and blessings reached to the desired person.
We'll take example as per the time scale.
Example 1.
Mrs. Savitri prayer for her husband helped her husband and was saved from un-timed death.
Example 2:
There was one demon whose wife used to offer prayers to Lord Vishnu as much the time the husband was out of home. Many times after her Puja/ prayers she used to offer a glass of water to Tulsi plant at her house. This made that demon unconquerable. Later the story moves further but it shows it is possible.
Example 3:
Lord Shrikrishna seating at his own seat offered prayer for his child almost 6 months old, when he was drowned in the Sea. The prayer saved it.
Example 4:
Jesus Christ offered prayer for his followers who were suffering from some kinds of diseases were answered by almighty. They were normal again.
Example 5:
Sant Dnyaneshwar/ Gyaneshwar, offered prayers for the fellow human beings and asked for "Pasaydan", that destroy the evil in evil spirited man than destroying him, that all should be happy, that all must get what they want,...his prayers were answered at that moment.
millions of examples are there from all around the world from all the countries and faiths. If you wish you may share here no problem but please be ethical.
Top ITES-BPO-KPO-LPO cities in India
Thanks to
Management tricks of high profile CEO Indra Nuyi
Thanks to
Trustworthy, Self Starter, Self motivator, Self spirited, Self Chargers, Performers, Honnest, and Go-Getter People are the need of the day
This world requires,people who are Self-Starter for some innovative and constructive work/ job/ service.
They ought have Self-Motivator fitted into their soul, that triggers their brain and mind to work relentlessly for the values and cause.
They should be Self-spirited for making their life's mission. Their mission should be to make welfare of all leading to peaceful life on earth.
They ought be Self-Charged and Self-Chargers, they should know their physics, chemistry, biology, physiology, mentality, temperament, emotions, intellectual and spiritual, leadership and managerial capabilities.
A complete self-aware people who could take the whole responsibility of the life and job to lead to pre-destined path and destination/s.
Presently, the aim could be to make this world a welfare state for the whole humanity irrespective of their origin.
Slowly, we have to move to multiple places in the Universe, and Multiverse.
In fact yesterday Hadron Accelerator is started functioning, they will detect how the world was originated. I'll be happy if human being posses that technology which create parrallel Universe. Vishwamitra had that power and technology, now why the scientists cannot acquire and develop such technology? They must. However, values and ethics, truthfulness and honesty also must go hand in hand otherwise it stalls the human progress if no one trusts no one.
Remember there will be huge progress in humanity in case all trust each other with full trust.
Trust and faith in each other can move the whole world, Universe, Multiverse.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Which organisations will survive in future?
There is an article on on URL:
It is on Infosys offering Insurance cover to employees through Indian Insurance Giant Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).
Now the main question is how many organisations in India and around the world offer Insurance and Social Security to their employees?
It is a very good initiative by Infosys.
Besides job security and challenges and achievements in the job, the stability in job, and higher salary in the inflating economies have become necessity. Status and esteem now a day are associated with the contribution to society. For employers contribution to employees has become a norm. Look at Toyota.
From these trends it seems that in future only those organisations in future will survive who takes care of their internal and most contributing customers i.e. the employees.
The policies are changing. Use and throw polices are gone. Use human resources grow them, inculcate leadership qualities in them, develop their family for future challenges, and going beyond the delight and exciting them and keep them with organisation has become order of the day. Look at Sasken, SAP, Lockheed Martin, NASA, Toyota, LN Been, they are growing, giving productivity, are not stagnant, and they utilize their all the resources at fullest strength.
Thus, hope other NGO, public and private sector organizations besides Infosys will follow this perform or perish pattern. Also, Infosys has shown its employees that if you perform, we’ll take care of you and your future or family. The above case is the great example.
The discussion in on: Which organisations will survive in future?
coming more.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Whether you want to Contribute or Take Credit?
My senior once told me story of Somerset Maugham. Once advised his son, "Son whether you want to be contributor or credit taker?"
Son asked him innocently," Why father?"
SM, "There are more than 99.99% on this side, who are always trying to take credit but on the other side there are very few. You have ample time, energy and scope on other side as there are only 0.01% contributors"
The people seating next to him had a big laugh.
Thanks to my senior "Captain" who told me this story.
No need to say we had a big laugh too.
coming more.
Longevity Genes: Scientists have discovered it: Implications? Don't know
Thanks to all websites.
Inspirational Advertisements
There are many:
Cello Pen: Kucch kar dikhane ka:
Argentina Ailines: Children holding a Aeroplane in their box:
Let me get it I'll put here.
coming more.
First Teacher The Mother: Who died holding a child underneath the building debris in China Earth Quake
Salute to her. God bless her.
It was most touching photograph from China.
Great teaching by her. Mother is such a person who sacrifices everything for the child. At present I don't know her name but it will be written in golden words when it comes to sacrifice.
About too much of every material thing
We were discussing why there are so many ethical dilema?
Why we require law to govern a country if all are ethical?
Too much science asks you reason on everything as similar to lawyer asks on every issue.
Too much trust is also bad in this classical corrupt world.
Something like that.
What could be out come?
Balance of Pragmatism and Idealism.
coming more.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Inspiration from United Nation's Secretary Generals UNSG
Last time we saw CV of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Indian Prime Minister, this time we'll see the details of UNSG.
While Honourable Mr. Kofi Anna was MIT Graduate, let us see others.
Just see the struggle and efforts they have put.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Why Faith has no religion? Faith is God and God is in Faith. Faith in one entity God is one entity.
This example of Shivaji is been quoted in several texts including Bakhars and has appeared in many dailies in Maharashtra, e.g. in the Loksatta on 6th April 1998. Starting with Shivaji Maharaj from Maharashtra. His Grand father was Maloji Raje, had offered special prayers to Shahasharif and hence his two sons were named Shahaji (father of Shivaji) and Sharifji.
On the other hand, Nawab Shujauddoula's wife Aaliya begum was devotee of Hanumanji, and went on to build a temple in Lucknow.
Dr. Sharma was doctor in Lucknow and could get rid off biggest trouble in his life and he has proof that prayer at Haji Ali Dargah helped him.
Mr. A. Thosar, had a child and was not behaving properly at home and was on the verge getting spoiled. However, once his wife took help from one Fakir in the Dargah their child started behaving like a normal child.
Mr. Ramdorai...was staunch Hindu and went on to make Jesus Christ as his prime idol when his son mute son started speaking once he went to Church.
Many Hindu devotees go to Haji Ali dargah in Mumbai, Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti in Ajmer, in fact could be seen in movies, and many politician in India are shown live doing this.
Thus, faith has no boundary, no barrier, no religion, faith in indestructible entity once a person has faith in one or other form of God.
I have seen mothers running to nearest God, temple, durgah, masjid, church, mandir, synagogue and praying for their children. It works they say, they claim. The atheists say by doing this mothers only transfer the burden or stress to God, few scientists and rationalists say it is just a stress reliving exercise.
Seers and Saints say, god is always compassionate and who so ever takes shelter in him god helps him. It has to be with pure mind and they must have tried their best before going to god. God helps them who help themselves, it is said. That's altogether different topic.
So, people from India go to Haj, where are nations then? God has no boundary.
People from USA and Japan come to India to take shelter in Sai baba, where are cultures? God dilutes cultural egos.
People from Russia go to Vatican, where are ideologies? God dilutes the ideologies.
People from UK went to China to learn Shaoline Kung-fu and took shelter in lord Buddha later. Where are the human rulers? God is the only ruler of this world.
People from various religions have been bowing before the god of their choice since time unknown and they are been benefited in the time of agony and pains.
No matter what are the hurdles people cross all the hurdles to get their wish fulfilled from any source of god, in any form from any dogmas, religion and faith is the major reason.
Now, I have the cases from my friends who are from 110 nations, who has visited major temples, gurudwaras, synagogue, churches, mosques. They are from all kinds of religions and nations and dogmas and castes and creeds. God has no race and religion no national boundary can stall God.
Faith is God and God is in Faith. Faith in one entity God is one entity.
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,
Crazy Daredevils

Crazy Daredevils
You might have seen on NGC (National Geographic Channel) some daring acts of a photographer near Volcano, In the hurricane, ....
Here are the latest few:
There is 150 km wind, 100 cm rain, road flooded, and these TV channel reporter are busy in News. Others are just taking risk and enjoying few are doing it by force as they got trapped.
Read about Joe:
Read about Sarah Sally:
Why people do Bugi jump, ...and such daring acts which puts their life on the edge?
Know it from the Biography of Mr. Carsten Peter of NGC, the daredevil photographer who video graphed the boiling lava 'in the volcano'.
On hiw website:
coming more.