Monday, September 29, 2008

Why do people speak lie?

Why do people speak lie?

Just now there is an article that appeared on the msn. It is on career web site. The career website of msn.

In it is claimed that more than 10% have placed false ...untruthful experience, qualifications, claims...etc.

Why do people speak a lie when job can be done with honesty?

Otherwise the experience will be exposed hence, why not start with truth?

Any how, whether in India, USA, Russia, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, UK, this country or that country, 100% honesty and truthfulness is not the way of life.

Here comes the problem. If some one speak a lie, next generation speaks, next, next, .... million generations speak a lie on certain issues, after 2 millionth generation humanity will not survive because of these lies. Why?

Take example, any one biggest organisation that throws chemicals in the sea. After 2 million generation the whole sea/ oceans will be polluted and it will not be worth touching the sea. Gone.

Similarly, air, earth, .... everything will be polluted and Earth will be non-livable entity.

However, who cares?

Either God cares or few truthful people.

If don't care humanity will die natural death and that will be invited by their own deeds.

Still let us hope for the best.

Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude,

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