Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Shame on humanity we are wasting our time

Shame on humanity we are wasting our time in fighting with each others. By 2100 A.D. if human being does not reach Moon and Mars and establish its civilisation there, then, by that time we would have wasted 1 trillion trillion trillion trillion man hours in foolish activities. Oh, what a productivity, then only we'll be proud of our Achievements.

Why people waste time?
Why people not complete the projects on time?
Why people do not mind killing Innocent people and animals and species?
Why human being call himself brainy?
Why wars do not stop?
Why people and human resources are not used 100% by all the countries?
Why there is funding for huge armies to kill human beings?
Why we are dividing and dividing?
Why we are not caring about our own survival?
Why people are egoist, egotists, and full of ego and self centered?
Why generations to generations people carry evils and enmity?

unlimited why and unlimited loss to humanity.
Shame on We/Us, shame on I, shame on ME, I am helpless and hence take shelter in God as a human being.

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