Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Some articles on Indian and Chinese Economies

Some articles on Indian and Chinese Economies

Just read the powerful sentences from this article:

China took off in 1978, when it adopted free-market policies. In reality it does not fit any of our textbook models of economics
Will the global economy be able to rely on China and India to deliver it from recessions in the future?
The Economist in early October observed, "its structure and links to the state are so convoluted that the most diligent China watchers have little idea if it is a private or a state firm".
The fraction of GDP that comes out of state-owned firms in most market-based developing countries, such as South Korea, India, and Thailand, is between 5% and 15%; for China it is nearly 50%.
India does not have that risk, since there is no comparable centralisation of authority.

Some Powerful sentences and Read the Powerful Comments too:
What can destabilise growth is political instability and nothing fuels this more than when large segments of the population feel left out of the mainstream .
The steep rise in global oil prices has hit India

About SAARC:

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