Monday, August 31, 2015

White elephant to white collar parasite... will it be reality? I'm talking about UNO and Governments of the nations/ states

White elephant to white collar parasite... will it be reality? I'm talking about UNO and Governments of the nations/ states
Look at few nations.... governments are there or anarchy is there, none can tell... what UNO... WB...WEF are doing in such cases none can tell, even if there are more than 10 million total Military forces around the world are there. Ex. India 1 million + China 2.5 million + USA...+Russia+.... why can't all come together and fight negative forces? 
The anarchy states gets weapons from states which have the best ruled governments... is also an agony not hidden from this transparent world. UNO seems to be powerless and puppet in the hands of so called big or influential nations... My cautious words are will UNO, WEF, kinds of major organisation become white elephant in future? Will they become white collar parasite who will do the same thing what big nation or veto power nation and cartel of few nations expect?
Just think if UNO is not democratic and if it remains clutched in the hands of few nations... horrifying truth but could be a reality looking at horrifying things happening around the world. 
I'm well wisher of this world, UNO, WEF, WB, all governments hence.... this reality check, and hence also this is a wisdom check of all of us....
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, Nagpur, India
On comment of sister Sharon Jumper: She has put a comment on LinkedIn and this is the answer: 
That's what is my point...but...I never got hired in UNO, the WB or in any government organisations in the world.. though I keep applying...even in India my waiting list is 2000 or 4000 at places like IIT and IIM and in UNO and WEF, I was not even got my waiting list.... since child hood of course by god's grace I've found answers to many existing problems of this world... that is put in the book..."The Solution Master."... . Thanks sister to Sharon Jumper, JD, MPA... who had put comment on this on LinkedIn. 
Like this session of Parliament in India (July 2015) was waste of time... UNO has also become waste of time.... is what I feel in my heart, hence raised this point for betterment of this world....
Why can't UNO talk about what is there future plan in case human civilization has to expand to Moon and Mars? Why can't they plan MDG being reached.....
Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, Nagpur, India. 

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