Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Internet :World Wide Web :Television: Movies: Virtual world : REAL Contributor in the lives of many

It is true that Reel and Virtual world have increasing impact on the daily lives of individuals.
Many send s.m.s. and emails to make their dreams come true. For example, somebody gets job after sending application on email, some one wins business contract, some one send Real sentiments to one's family on internet or through s.m.s.
Thus, virtual space has become a big and real contributor towards Real life.
Like movie is reel world similarly, virtual world is also a reel world, but, their contribution in Real life is increasing. More contributions are available on Virtual world of Internet, and positively it is capturing more space, time, money and efforts and other resources. Knowledge explosion on the internet beyond imagination, in fact, knowledge is doubling every two years on the World Wide Web/ Internet.
Thus, Virtual world has lost its characteristics of reel-ness and fiction; it is becoming Real in terms of contributions.
Also through proper and systematic communication through this medium, lots of lives are saved. Through this medium, lot of positive communication has occurred beyond boundaries. On this virtual world, lot of technologies have been cumulatively developed, lot of financial transaction have occurred, lot of human made barriers been broken, lot of intercultural and intercontinental friends have made friendship, lot of true emotions have been exchanged on this virtual world.
Everybody has started calling himself as a "Glocal" person at the click of the mouse or at the click of few buttons. Glocal means Global and Local i.e. person having Global citizenship and not only local citizenship, due to this Virtual world.
Hence, I would say that Virtual world has lost its reel-ness or fiction-ness and it has become real contributor in daily lives of common man.
One more thing human being can go to places in the Universe only through proper use of this virtual world, being the best communication medium for education, and emotions and world of happening.
For more things just visit my Web log/ Blog:

Conclusion: Virtual world is REAL Contributor in the lives of many.

Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude

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