Wednesday, March 02, 2022

SDG 9: All Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable, the Innovation, the Industrialization and the Infrastructure, Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG 9: All Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable, the Innovation, the Industrialization and the Infrastructure, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
LinkedIn Newsletter: YouTube Video: Problems faced during Pandemic: As per the SDG Report 2021 • 1. In 2020, during Pandemic Lockdown the Global Manufacturing DEACREASED by 6.8%, it’s a huge, when UN states that 7% growth is need of the day to Achieve SDG’s by 2030, especially in the Least Developed Countries, etc. Hence, course correction for SDG 2030 is needed for sure. • Air passengers dropped from 4.5 billion till the start of 2019 to 1.8 Billion in 2020 which is 60% decline. We already saw even the Globally International Travellers got dropped from 1.5 Billion to 381 million in the previous SDGs during the same period. • Out of 520 million Rural dwellers 300 million lack good access to roads in almost 25 countries. So the best Solution is investment in Rural Infrastructure globally especially in these 25 countries. • COVID-2019 Pandemic proved that 2 trillion investment and 1235 Researchers/ Million is far less and more investment can find better solutions. I already posted a question cum Solution on this problems, in the world bank discussion 13 times since 2004 till 2021. It’s like this. Imagine if viruses and bacteria which had no effect of any atrocities in the jungle environment or of temperature of -70 degrees in Antarctica or living in deep sea or living kilometres below earth inside the petroleum products….etc. and if they enters into the human space what will happen? Are we ready for the Catastrophe? Why don’t we have standard Solutions like building more than 100 Serum Institute of India like facilities in more than 100 countries so that urgent vaccines or medicines or therapy could be found out and built in emergencies? Please Think over it. • During the forth quarter manufacturing in the high and medium tech products increased by 4% in 2020 from that of 2019, but still MICROCHEAP or simply CHEAP SHORTAGE i.e. Semi Conductor shortage devasted the Supply Chain of many tech products, automobile Industry in January 2022 and Why is there a cheap shortage? , SDG9 Targets and Indicators: YouTube Video: • Target 9.1: Developing the best quality borderless Infrastructure globally for equitable human wellbeing with inclusive economic growth and affordable access to all • Indicator 9.1.1: Proportion of rural population with the proximity of all weather suitable road within 2 kilometres • Indicator 9.1.2: • Passenger Volume/ Mode of Transport and • Freight Volume / Mode of Transport • Target 9.2: Promoting Inclusive Industrialisation with increase in employment and GDP, and doubling the share of least developed countries by 2030 and this definitely needs course correction due to Pandemic. • Indicator 9.2.1: Manufacturing Value Added/ GPD • Indicator 9.2.2: Manufacturing Employment/ Total Employment • Target 9.3: It has lot of points with respect to small scale industries and enterprises with respect to developing countries: • Increasing Access to Financial Services, • Inclusive Affordable Credit, • Integration with Market value chain • Indicator 9.3.1: Proportion of Small Scale Industry/ Total Industry value added • Indicator 9.3.2: Proportion of Small Scale Industries with loan or line of credit • Target 9.4: Upgrading Industry Infrastructure for efficiency and environmentally sound technology • Indicator 9.4.1: Carbon Di Oxide/ Unit of Value Added • Target 9.5: Enhancing and Building Technological and Research and Development Capabilities by more investment public as well as private and also increasing the researchers population per million • Indicator 9.5.1: R & D Expenditure/ GDP • Indicator 9.5.2: Full Time Researchers/ 1 Million Inhabitants • Target 9.a: Facilitating Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Development with Financial and Technological support to: • In Land locked countries • African countries • Least Developed Countries • Small Island States • Indicator 9.a.1: Total Official International Support to Infrastructure • This target needs course correction • Target 9.b: Supporting Domestic R & D at all levels and in all verticals • Indicator 9.b.1: Proportion of medium and high tech industry value added in total value added • Target 9.c: Significantly increasing reach of ICT and internet access at grass root level by 2020, especially in the least developed countries • Indicator 9.c.1: Proportion of population covered by mobile network, and technology • “Finally, in case values and ethics based humanity decides to expand their civilisation on Moon, Mars and Beyond by Achieving MDG/SDG on Mother Earth, and if each country, company, institution and each individual all are made part of the space age aim, action plan and value chain, then one day at least one Country or Company might break the light speed barrier and slowly we might go to various places in the universe and beyond”. This I quoted by God’s Grace many times. Also, Since, 2002 till 2007 from BBC to World Bank to my own UNESCO Engineering Congress Publications, I have quoted following: • “Dobereiner's triads matches MDG, next level goals (SDG) could match Newlands' Octave, next level could match the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, but, I suggest here Universal Goals that could match Modern Periodic Table, to let ethics and values based human civilization live forever by better governance, practices, faster ideas and best practices communications between humans to humans and other species on different places and dimensions, and by developing safe and reliable technologies like faster than light commutation, too. All procedures and systems should be made public, globally, Now, so that all the value chains, of all the organizations, institutions, individuals are aligned and encouraged to be part of this great plan and realistic activity, to establish human civilization on the Moon, Mars and Beyond”. Copyright: Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, 2007: YouTube Video:

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