Monday, May 27, 2024

Let's not play VUCA with Mother Nature

Dr. Pethururaj Chelliah, Chief Architect Reliance Jio on Sustainable Ethical Computer/ICT/ AI Education

In the Series of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and going to Moon, Mars, Infinte Galaxies/ Universes/ Dimesions/ Spaces / Places/ Celestial bodies, today we are going to see: 1. How should be the Information and Computer Technology evolve ethically with moral and humneterian values so that it's used for the benefits of all the entities by mitigating the negative sides... 2. How Aritificial Interlligence/ AI, IoT, LLM, SLM, Hardware to support Robotics, Real time decision can help establish human civilisation on Moon, Mars and beyond? 3. How to reduce energy consumption? 4. How to inculcate moral and ethical values right from younger age so that human civilisation really sustain. 5. How technology after 6th generation is going to help communication between the devices and robots and humans and technologies so that we can really establish human bases and without human intervention the robots can develop the real time sustaining human civilisation technologies on other places than Mother Earth? 6. How Aritficial Interlligence can help avoioding Environmental Catastrophe on Mother Earth? 7. Role of ICT Education, beyond getting job, for technology students, and beyond achieving Sustainable Develpoment Goals everywhere humans may go. Rest, just watch the interview. Interview of: Dr. Pethruraj Chelliah/ Dr. Peter, Ph.D. IISc Bangalore, Post Dcotorate from 2 Japanese Universities, having worked with Wipro as a Consultant and IBM as an Expert of SOA, UC, IoT and AI and presently is a Chief Architect in Reliance Jio Platform. YouTube url: Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dr. Vinay Nangia, Former Head DOMS, IIT Roorkee on, "Evolving Management Education towards Space Age!"

Dr. Vinay Nangia, Former Head DOMS, IIT Roorkee on, "Evolving Management Education towards Space Age!" YouTube url: Interviwed by: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dario Ruggiero, Economist, on, "How should be the space age education in the domain of Economics. Also, how to achieve sustainable goals by circular economy?"

Dario Ruggiero, Economist, on, "How should be the space age education in the domain of Economics, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever human may go. Also, he speaks about how to achieve sustainable goals by circular economy?" YouTube url: Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dr. D. P. Kothari, Former Director IIT, Delhi, on, "How should be the space age education, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever humans may go!"

Dr. D. P. Kothari, Former Director IIT, Delhi, on, "How should be the space age education, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever human may go!" Though he has lot of limitations and was suffering from high fever, still he called and we went to his home and interviewed him on this issue. Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar, YouTube url:

Selfless soul can remain always happy

In the infinite world of God, there are infinite opportunities

Sustainble Goals are selfless goals and not selfish goals

Self Discovery starts at self and ends at biggger self, so, ultimately starts with self and ends with self.

Let's achieve universal health

Women must not spend more than 4 hours in kitchen and invest in making life good for the whole humanity

Pandemic proved, humanity matters, and achieving sustainble goals is not an option but necessity.

Truthful life, is real life, in theory as well as practise

Let's take humane decisions with human values and ethics for humanity, to achieve sustainable goals

We are citizen of the Mother Earth and infinte worlds, in fact.

Please visit YouTube url for watching, "Agriculture disastor to sustainable develpment in India":

If we achieve Sustainable Education Goals we might achieve SDG on Mother Earth, Moon, Mars and beyond

Friday, April 08, 2022

#हिंदी: सतत विकास लक्ष्‍य 1 से 17: सतत विकास लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने और चंद्रमा मंगल और उससे आगे जाने के लिए मजबूत वैश्विक साझेदारी आवश्यक है

#हिंदी: सतत विकास लक्ष्‍य 1 से 17: सतत विकास लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने और चंद्रमा मंगल और उससे आगे जाने के लिए मजबूत वैश्विक साझेदारी आवश्यक है: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Play List on YouTube: 1 minute short videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar

Play List on YouTube: 1 minute short videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar: Play List on YouTube: 1 minute short videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Play List on YouTube: 10 minutes videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar

Play List on YouTube: 10 minutes videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar Play List on YouTube: 10 minutes videos on the SDG: 4K UHDV: SDG1 to SDG 17 by Dr. Ashish Manohar Dr. Ashish Manohar

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond by Achieving SDG : Needed Post Pandemic Corrections in SDG1 to SDG17 : All Posts/Videos at once place with their URL

All the best to Humanity.
Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond by Achieving SDG : Needed Post Pandemic Corrections in SDG1 to SDG17 : All Posts/Videos at once place with their URL: +++++++++++++ All the “Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond”, Videos and their URL: SDG Short Description LinkedIn and YouTube URL SDG1 Ending Poverty in all of its formats, forms and dimensions everywhere • YouTube URL: #10MinutesVideo : • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : • LinkedIn Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG2 End of Hunger, Achieving Food Security, and Improving Nutrition, and promotion of sustainable Agriculture • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube URL: #10MinutesVideo : • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG3 Good Health and Wellbeing: Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Wellbeing of All at All ages • YouTube URL: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • LinkedIn: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: • Facebook Video: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo : • Facebook Detailed Video: • Blog: SDG4 Ensuring Quality Education, Life Long Learning for All, and opportunity to get mentorship to acquire skills to prepare to live a Quality Life. • YouTube URL: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG5 Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All women and girls • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG6 Sustainable Water for all purpose and Sanitation for All • YouTube: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG7 Latest Technological, Affordable, Reliable Sustainable Energy to all • YouTube: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG8 Sustainable global Economic growth and quality jobs for all • YouTube Video: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG9 All Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable, the Innovation, the Industrialization and the Infrastructure • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video:#10MinutesVideo: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : • LinkedIn Video: SDG10 Globally Reducing Inequalities of all kinds • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube URL: #10MinutesVideo: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG11 HUMANE CITIES: All Inclusive Humane Purpose Cities • YouTube URL: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG12 Ensuring Sustainable Need based not Greed based Production and Consumption • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube URL: #10MinutesVideo: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG13 Stop Climate Change: Now or Never • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: #10MinutesVideo: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : • LinkedIn Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG14 Keeping Oceans Clean and Lively Livable • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: #10MinutesVideo: • Blog: • Facebook Video: #10MinutesVideo : • LinkedIn Video: #10MinutesVideo : SDG15 Saving all Species and their Habitat • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG16 Strong Values based Peace, Justice and Institutions • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: YouTube URL: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: SDG17 Strong Global Partnerships for Achieving SDG • LinkedIn Newsletter: • YouTube Video: • Blog: • Facebook Video: • YouTube: #4K, #UHD #10MinutesVideo: Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, Solution Master, India

SDG17 Strong Global Partnership for Achieving SDG and Need of Post Pandemic Corrections and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG17 Strong Global Partnership for Achieving SDG and Need of Post Pandemic Corrections and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
What does the SDG17 Talks about? YouTube URL: Problems existed, aggravated during Pandemic on Achieving SDG17: • As per the OECD website the Official Development Assistance (ODA) which are the “Gold Standard” since 1969 as a foreign aid for the developing countries used for the economic development and for the welfare, that too, on concessional basis, its data shows that it has increased and reached USD 161 Billion in 2020. It, represents 0.32% Gross National Income (GNI) but it’s still short of 0.7% of GNI i.e. ODA Grant Equivalent as Percentage. • It means that It should have been USD 350 Billion Almost that Developed Countries should have spent as Official Development Assistant (ODA) to developing countries as per their 0.7% of their Gross National Income (GNI). • In 2020, Remittance Reached USD 540 Billion in Low and Middle Income Countries. It went down by almost 2% from 2019. • In Pandemic 3.7 Billion people didn’t have connectivity in spite it was needed. Huge investment is need of the day. • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) decreased by 40%. It was USD 1.5 Trillion in 2019 and it went down to less than USD 1 Trillion. • 63% countries don’t have enough funds to face challenges posted by Pandemic. • I have a suggestion here, “There are huge budgets for weapons of mass destructions, why can’t half of them be diverted to this SDG cause and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond?” Dr. Ashish Manohar. You can find it in many of my interviews and discussions I’ve spoken that. • “Any kind of War is a Waste of Time. Simply because, it takes more time to build devastated cities, destructed places and broken trust and shattered human minds after the wars. In place of Wars using Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), humane human must work together positively for humanitarian cause, and plan to invest same money in Achieving MDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond, in place of planning all human destruction and shaking hands with Dinosaurs fossils.” Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, 2007.
SDG17 Targets and Indicators • Target 17.1: This Target discusses about: • Domestically making economy strong • If required collaborate internationally • Developed nations should come forward to help developing nations • Improving Domestic Tax Collection • Improve more possibilities of Revenue Generation • Creating more jobs and entrepreneurship avenues and thus increasing number of individuals and businesses, institutions and organisations paying taxes • Indicator 17.1: Total Government Revenue Generated / GDP • Indicator 17.2: Proportion of Domestic Budget Funded by Domestic Taxes Target 17.2: With official development assistance commitment the Developed Countries should help the: • All Developed Nations should devote their 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) as a Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Developing countries with target of 0.7% of ODA/GNI • All Developed Nations should devote their 0.15 to 0.2% of Gross National Income (GNI) to the Least Developed nations as a Official Development Assistance (ODA) • Indicator 17.2.1: As per the Organisation for Economic Cooperation for Development (OECD): • Proportion of ODA/GNI to Developing Nations by the Donor Country / Net Assistance to a particular country • Proportion of ODA/GNI to the Least Developed Nations by the Donor Country / Net Assistance to a particular country • Total ODA to Developing Countries / Development Assistance Committee Donors’ GNI • Total ODA to Least Developed Countries / Development Assistance Committee Donors’ GNI Target 17.3: Mobilizing additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources • Indicator 17.3.1: • FDI • South-South Cooperation as a ODA/ GNI to promote the best practices among the developing nations • Indicator 17.3.2: Remittances in USD/ GDP Target 17.4: Avoiding, Reducing, Relieving the poor countries falling into the Debt Trap and taking appropriate measures for that • Indicator 17.4.1: Debt Service as a promotion of Export of Goods and Services Target 17.5: Adopt and Implement Investment Proportion Regimes for Least Developed Countries • Indicator 17.5.1: Number of countries that adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for developing countries including least developed countries. • 39 out of 48, i.e. 81% LDC have Investment Promotion Agencies working full time since 2014, as per the UNCTAD: • In some countries Special Economic Zones (SEZ) as a one stop shop have been established… as we all know. Target 17.6: Enhancing North-South, South- South and Triangular regional and International cooperation on Science, Technology, knowledge on mutually agreed terms and mechanism generated by UN • Indicator 17.6.1: Fixed Internet Broadband Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants by Speed Target 17.7: Promoting the Development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to Developing and LDC on favourable, preferable terms and conditions, mutually agreed • Indicator 17.7.1: Total Amount of Funding for Developing Countries to promote Environmentally sound technologies via: • Transfer, • Development, • Dissemination, • Diffusion. Target 17.8: Keeping Technology Development at full speed especially ICT, and capacity building of Least Developed Countries and by fully operationalising the Tech Bank and innovation • Indicator 17.8.1: Proportion of the individuals using the Internet Target 17.9: For Implementing All the Sustainable Development Goals capacity building of Developing nations via cooperation from the: • Developing Nations via UN support system • South-South • North-South • Triangular • Indicator 17.9.1: Dollar Value of financial and technical assistance committed to developing countries via above mentioned mechanism. Target 17.10: Promoting rules, regulations, based legal, equitable Multilateral Trading System to bring all nations at par under WTO via conclusions and negotiations as per the Doha Development Agenda: • . • Indicator 17.10.1: Worldwide Weighted Tariff-Average Target 17.11: Significantly increase the Export from Developing Countries, and Doubling the Export of Least Developed Countries by 2030. • Indicator 17.11.1: • Developing Countries Export/ Total Global Export • Least Developed Countries Export/ Total Global Export • Target 17.12: LDC and Developing Countries should face least barrier and should get quota free, duty free access into developed countries as per the guidelines of WTO • Indicator 17.12.1: Weighted Average Tariffs faced by: • Least Developed Countries (LDC), • Small Island Developing States (SIDS), • Developing Countries Target 17.13: Enhancing Global Macroeconomic Stability via: • Policy Coordination and • Policy Coherence • Indicator 17.13.1: Macroeconomic Dashboard • Example: Jobs Macro Data Dashboard on the World Bank website: Target 17.14: Enhance Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development • Indicator 17.14.1: Number of countries with mechanism in place to Enhance Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Target 17.15: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development and establishing multi stakeholder partnership • Indicator 17.15.1: Extent of use of country owned results framework and planning tools, by providers of development cooperation. Target 17.16: Enhancing Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Complemented by multi stakeholder partnership that mobilise and share: • Knowledge, • Financial Resources, • Technological, • Expertise, Indicator 17.16.1: Number of countries (Out of 193 UN Members in 2022) reporting progress in multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring framework that support the Achievement of SDG Target 17.17: For Infrastructure development Encouraging and Promoting Partnership among: • Public – Public • Public – Private • Civil Society By Using: • Partnership Data • Experience By keeping track on the work via: • Monitoring and • Accountability • Indicator 17.17.1: Amount in USD committed for Public – Private Infrastructure Parentship Project Target 17.18: Where we stand in the SDG? • This question requires Data Collection and this pointers talks about that. • By 2020, • LDC, • SIDC, • Needs a capacity building support to collect high quality, reliable, timely data on: • Income, • Gender, • Age, • Race, • Ethnicity, • Migratory Status, • Disability, • Graphical Location, • Other characters relevant to that nation • Indicator 17.18.1: Statistical Capacity Indicator for SDG Monitoring • Indicator 17.18.2: Number of countries that have national statistical legislation, that complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics • Indicator 17.18.3: Number of countries that have national statistical plan that is fully funded and implemented by, source of funding Target 17.19: By 2030, Build on the prior work and develop measurement of SDG that complement GDP, and support Statistical Capacity Building in developing countries • Indicator 17.19.1: Dollar Value spent on making all the resources available for Statistical Capacity Building in Developing Countries • Indicator 17.19.2: Proportion of Countries that have following records registered on time: • 1. 100% Births, • 2. 80% Deaths, • 3. Have Conducted Population census in last 10 years, and • 4. Have conducted Housing Census in last 10 years. So, these are 17 Goals and 169 Targets and Indicators: • They all if implemented can make human life and life on Mother Earth at par with heavens  • They can make Sustainable Goals a reality • I just want to add let’s make them Universal Goals, i.e. wherever humans may go they will strive to Achieve Sustainable Goals, may it be Moon, Mars and Beyond or in any dimension. • “Mother Earth can be a Super Base of Humanity to expand in multiple places and dimensions in the Infinite Universes, let’s make it Humane too, if not like Heavens”. Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, 2006 in the presentation, “Mobility of Engineers in the Interstellar Era.” • May God Bless Humanity. • Sarve Pi Sukhinah Santu, Sarve Santu Niramaya Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu Ma Kashcit Dukhkh Mapnuyam. • Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwarah. Guru Sakshat Parabrahma Tasmai Shree Guruve Namah. • Hari Om Tat Sat. • Thank you very much. • If you have any suggestion kindly let me know, will try to implement for making better contribution to humanity. Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, Solution Master, India

SDG16 Strong Values based Peace, Justice and Institutions, and Problems exposed by pandemic and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG16 Strong Values based Peace, Justice and Institutions, and Problems exposed by pandemic and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
SDG16 talks about: • Ethics and Values based relations among all the humans • Peace everywhere among individuals, organisations, institutions and nations • Justice to/for all, may it be poor or rich, etc. • Building Accountable and Efficient Institutions at all levels YouTube URL: What are the major hurdles in Achieving SDG16, and what was the impact of pandemic on SDG16? • These data are available on UN SDG website, collected from 2018 till 2021: • 1. War is a conflict where more than 1000 deaths are there in a calendar year and there are more than 100 such places on Mother Earth where such wars are going on since 2000 on wards. Now, my simple question here is, “Are humans going to fight wars for millions of years? Please check Britain and France war of 100 years, why there cannot be 100 years peace be possible and peace forever be possible and then achieving SDG and then going to Moon, Mars and Beyond is certainly possible.” I raised this question in the World Bank Live for at least 22 times, then I also said, at the start of the Pandemic Lockdown, “Even if you hang my carcasses publicly still I’ll say United Nations and All the Nations have lost the biggest opportunity to sign an Agreement of Forever Peace and Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond to establish equitable base of humans in all the dimensions!” • War follow no law, no ethics, no values, hence I feel ashamed as a human being when I see the humans fighting for petty things. Every war is a genocide. Are children, ladies, physically challenged, elders and even soldiers not human beings? • 2. Children are the easiest targets of exploitations: Pandemic have aggravated this problem: • For Trafficking • For Child labour • 3. In 2018, 33% of the trafficked persons were children. Are these human indicators or Devil’s indicators? Feeling ashamed to be human. • 4. Child Labour raised to 160 million in 2020 and first time since 2000 the figure gone so much up. Again, Feeling ashamed to be human. • 5. In 2020, there was increase in Human Rights defenders getting killed, 331 were killed in 32 countries and it’s almost 20% increase since 2019. • 6. Out of 193 countries on 82 countries have compliance to have the international standard Human Rights Institutions, till 2020. • 7. High income countries have 7% chances of bribery in government works than in low income countries where it’s almost compulsory to pay bribe for getting work done and it’s chances are still 38% there. With this ethics a space ship might get destroyed in space while travelling to places in the universe. Again, feeling ashamed to be human being. During Pandemic Aid to these war places could not reach…
SDG16 Targets and Indicators: • Target 16.1: Significantly reducing deaths due to violence: • Indicator 16.1.1: • By gender: Number of victims international homicide / 100,000 • By age: Number of victims international homicide / 100,000 • Indicator 16.1.2: • By Gender: Conflict Related death / 100,000 • By Age: Conflict Related death / 100,000 • By Cause: Conflict Related death / 100,000 • Indicator 16.1.3: Are we humans? • Proportion of Population subjected to Physical Violence in last 12 months • Proportion of Population subjected to Psychological Violence in last 12 months • Proportion of Population subjected to Gender in last 12 months • Indicator 16.1.4: Proportion of Population that safe walking alone in the areas they live. • Target 16.2: ENDING Violence Against the Children: • Abuse, • Trafficking, • Exploitation, and • Torture. • (Is this a Human or Devil’s Target and Indicator?) • Indicator 16.2.1: Proportion of Children between 1 to 17 years who experienced Physical or Psychological Punishment from the care giver in the last 1 month or 30 days. • Indicator 16.2.2: Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population by Gender, Age, and form of Exploitation • (Is this a Human or Devil’s Target and Indicator?) • Indicator 16.2.3: Proportion of people between age 18 to 29 experienced gender violence • (Is this a Human or Devil’s Target and Indicator?) • Target 16.3: Promoting rule of law at local, national to international levels to get justice to all and equal access to all • Indicator 16.3.1: Proportion of victims of violence who reported violence against them to competent authorities • Indicator 16.3.2: Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population • Indicator 16.3.3: Proportion of population who experienced the dispute in last 2 years and the kind of formal or informal resolution mechanism they opted for • Target 16.4: By 2030, Significantly reducing: • Illicit Arms flow, • Illicit Financial flow, • Also, Strengthen Recovery and Return of stollen assets, • Also, Combating all kinds of organised crimes. • Indicator 16.4.1: • Total Value of Illicit financial INWARD flow in USD • Total Value of Illicit financial OUTWARD flow in USD • Indicator 16.4.2: Proportion of seized or found or surrendered arms with their origin traced and plugging the national as well as the international loopholes by using international planned legal instruments • Target 16.5: Substantially reduce the corruption and briary in all forms • Indicator 16.5.1: Proportion of people who were asked for the bribe by Government or Public Servants, in last 12 months • Indicator 16.5.2: Proportion of Business persons who were asked for the bribe by Government or Public Servants, in last 12 months • Target 16.6: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all the levels • Indicator 16.6.1: Sector wise, Primary government expenditures as proportional of original approved budget • Indicator 16.6.2: Proportion of citizens satisfied with their last experience of public service • Target 16.7: Ensuring all inclusive, responsive, participatory, and representative decision making at all the levels • Indicator 16.7.1: Proportions of Positions in national, and local institutions including: • A. Legislature • B. Public Service • C. Judiciary By: • Gender, • Age, • Persons with Disabilities • Different Populations Group • Indicator 16.7.2: Proportion of Population who believe decision making is responsive By • Gender, • Age, • Persons with Disabilities • Different Populations Group • Target 16.8: Developing Countries should get leadership positions in the international strategically important institutions of global governance • Indicator 16.8.1: Proportion of voting rights of developing countries in the international organisations • Target 16.9: By 2030, Provide legal identity to all including the birth certificates with registration • Indicator 16.9.1: Proportion of children who got their birth registered by government aka civil authorities, by age • Target 16.10: Ensuring public access to information and fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national and international agreements, so that journalists can carry out their duty in a unbiased way and impartially, truthfully and with pure apolitical intentions • Indicator 16.10.1: Number of verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention, and torture of journalists, associated with media personnel, trade unionists, human rights advocates in last 12 months. • Indicator 16.10.2: Number of countries where they have adopted, implemented, constitutional right to information with statutory and policy guarantee • Target 16.a: To be able to combat with terrorism, violence and crimes of large level helping developing countries to counter those offence by cooperation and capacity building • Indicator 16.a.1: Existence of Independent national Human Rights Institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles drafted by NHRI in 1991 and adopted by UN General Assembly in 1993. • Paris Principles has 6 main standards as per the UNDP website: • 1. Mandate and Competence • 2. Autonomy from Government • 3. Independence guaranteed by Statute or Constitution • 4. Pluralism • 5. Adequate Resources • 6. Adequate powers of investigation. • Target 16.b: Promote non-discriminatory laws and policies for Sustainable Development • Indicator 16.b.1: As per the international human rights laws, Proportion of population felt or faced discrimination or harassment during last 12 months Request: “Even in all the dimensional plurality, If all the humans follow humane values and ethics and behave humanely, then we can solve all the problems humans keep facing and also no goal and no aim will be difficult for humans to achieve, may it be Spiritual or Millennium Development Goals (MDG) today or Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond any dimensions tomorrow”. Copyright: Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, 2007

SDG15 Saving, Sustaining all Species and their habitat and Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG15 Saving, Sustaining all Species and their habitat and Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
Problems existing, aggravated or created by Pandemic with respect to SDG15: 1. IUCN founded in 1964, stands for International Union of Conservation of Nature and it publishes the Red List or Red Book or Red List of Threatened Species those are having risk of extinction some are on the verge of extinction even. • In its list in the year 2022, at present there are 142500 species on the Red list which have risk of extinction if humans do not take care of them by reversing the environmental damage:,mammals%20and%2013%25%20of%20birds. • More than 40,000 are on the verge of extinction, which includes: • 41% Amphibians, • 37% Sharks and Rays, • 34% of Conifers, • 33% of Reef Building Corals, • 26% Mammals, • 13% of the Birds, • 28% of Selected Crustaceans, • 21% Reptiles, and • 63% Cycads. • Species assessed as per their website 142577 and their target is making a list of 160000 species in their book “Barometer of Life”, so to make complete IUCN Red List 17423 species are left, to build a complete guide for the conservation of these species on the verge of extinction and to raise funding for this cause. 2. From 2000 till 2020 Humans lost 100 million hectares of forest though many countries like India grew some area under forest cover. 3. Progress to Safeguard Key Biodiversity areas has been stalled since last 5 years, i.e. since 2017, 4. Global Mean Percentage of Each Key Biodiversity Area covered by Protected Areas in the year 2021 are: • 43% Terrestrial • 42% Freshwater • 41% Mountain 5. As invasive Alien Species globally cause billions of dollars of damage every year so almost all the countries have adopted Legislation for Controlling or Preventing Invasive Alien Species SDG15 Targets and Indicators Target 15.1: Ensuring Fresh Water Ecosystems across the globe to be up to the mark, by 2020, in line with international agreements. • It needs Freshwater in the: • Wetlands, • Forests, • Mountains and • Drylands • To be • Conserved • Restored and • Sustained • Which are getting destroyed due to fast pace of human pollution or human encroachment or human activities like hunting, over fishing or land development Indicator 15.1: • Forest Area/ Area of the Nation, • Forest Area/ Total Land Area Indicator 15.2: Proportion of Fresh water and biodiversity area that is covered by protected area and type of the ecosystem Target 15.2: By 2020, Manage Forests in such a way that: • Sustainable management of: • All types of forests, • Deforestations, • Restore degraded forests, • Increase afforestation, and • Reforestation Indicator 15.2.1: Progress towards Sustainable Forest Management Target 15.3: By 2020, stopping desertification, deforestation and achieving land degradation neutral world: Indicator 15.3.1: Proportion of Land Degraded / Total Land Area Target 15.4: By 2030, ensuring mountain ecosystem and green cover and biodiversity required for the sustainable development • Indicator 15.4.1: Mountain Biodiversity protected area coverage • Indicator 15.4.2: Mountain Green Cover Index (MGCI) as per Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)= It’s Percentage of Mountains with Green Cover. Target 15.5: By 2020, Taking urgent Action: • To reduce degradation of natural habitat • Stopping the biodiversity loss • Protection be given to species on the verge of extinction • Indicator 15.5.1: Red List Index, Published by IUCN since 1996, in 7 categories: • Extinct (Ex) • Extinct in the wild (EW) • Critically Endangered (CR) • Endangered (EN) • Vulnerable (VU) • Near Threatened (NT) • Least Concerned (LC) • International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) also publishes the Species Threat and Abatement Restoration and Metric (STAR) Report. • They calculate over 5 X 5 square kilometres grid across the world, and they found that in each pixel from 100 the critically endangered species have gone to 400: • They also found that following are the causes for the reduction of species population: • i. Annual and Perennial Non Timber Crops, • ii. Logging and Wood Harvesting, • iii. Invasive and other Problematic Species, • iv. Livestock farming and ranching, • v. Residential and Commercial Development, • vi. Hunting and Collecting Terrestrial Animals, • vii. Natural System Modifications, • viii. Climate Change and Sever Weather, • ix. Pollution • x. Energy Production and Mining, • xi. Other causes • So we need to stop this killing of species or Species getting killed indirectly due to our actions and behaviour. • This experience will be useful when we expand to other dimensions on Moon, Mars and Beyond. Target 15.6: Equitable Share of Genetic Resources to appropriate entities with internationally agreed norms • Indicator 15.6.1: Number of countries those have adopted the legislative, administrative framework, for equitable sharing of genetic resources Target 15.7: Take Action to end poaching and trafficking of flora and fauna, by destroying the demand and supply and illegal wild life traffic of products, globally. • Indicator 15.7.1: Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked Target 15.8: By 2020, Introducing the measures to control the invasive alien species on land or water ecosystem and eradicating the priority species. • Please note: Invasive alien species not belonging to the particular ecosystem might bring diseases and / or can grow faster and destroy the natural habitat, etc. as per the IUCN. • Indicator: 15.8.1: Proportion of countries adopting legal framework and resourcing to prevent and control the invasive alien species Target 15.9: By 2020, integrating Ecosystem and Biodiversity Values from national level to ground level to reduce poverty and for inclusive development • Indicator 15.9.1: • a. Number of countries those have adopted Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of Strategic Plan of Biodiversity 2011-2020, and their Progress Report • b. Integrating Biodiversity with GDP via accounting and national reporting system and thus implementing Environmental-Economic Accounting • Now what is AICHI Biodiversity Target 2? • It has 5 (A, B, C, D, E) Goals and 20 Targets: • Goal A: Finding the cause of Biodiversity and Solutions to it and implementation by National and Local government: • It has 5 Target 1,2,3,4, 5, Target 2 talks about biodiversity should be incorporated into national accounting and reporting (Which is Mentioned Above) • Goal B: Reduce pressure on the biodiversity and achieve sustainability • It has 6 target 5, 6,7, 8, 9 and 10, they talk about reducing degradation and pollution. • Goal C: Improving Biodiversity and genetic diversity too by making ecosystem safer. • It has 11,12,13 i.e. 3 targets. • Goal D: Benefits of Biodiversity and Safer Ecosystem should reach at grassroot level • It has 14, 15, 16 i.e. 3 targets. • Goal E: Enhance the all-inclusive participation to improve implementation by Capacity building and Knowledge Management • It has 17, 18, 19, 20 i.e. 4 Targets and 20th talks about implementing the complete Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Target 15.a: Mobilizing and Improving Financial resources for sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem • Indicator 15.a.1: • a. Official Development Assistance for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity • b. Revenue Generated and Finance Mobilised from Biodiversity relevant economic instrument Target 15.b: Mobilising Resources and Finances to and reaching benefits of Biodiversity Conservation and Forest Management even to the Developing countries • Indicator 15.b.1: • a. Official Development Assistance on Conservation and Sustainable use of Biodiversity • b. Revenue Generated from Finance Mobilised from Biodiversity relevant Economic Instruments Target 15.c: Stopping Poaching, Illicit Trafficking of Forest Flora and Fauna by involving local communities and information sharing across the globe and providing proper opportunities for sustaining their livelihood • Indicator 15.c.1: Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked. Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, India

DSG14 Keeping Oceans Clean and Lively Live-able, Problems aggravated by or created due to or existed before Pandemic and their solutions, and Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

DSG14 Keeping Oceans Clean and Lively Live-able, Problems aggravated by or created due to or existed before Pandemic and their solutions, and Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
SDG14 Problems Created or Aggravated due to Pandemic YouTube URL: • Reference: • Sustainability of oceans are under severe threat due to: • Plastic Pollution: 5.25 Trillion plastic pieces are in ocean right now, and almost 10 million tonnes plastic dumped every year in the oceans • Marine Pollution: 70% of pollutant debris sink into oceans besides above pollution • Fishery Collapse: Ocean Biodiversity already gone, and in 50 years no fishes would be left in oceans if we don’t act • Acidification: 550 Billion tonnes of CO2 Got absorbed in Ocean and has become 30% more acidic than 300 year before • Eutrophication: Asia has highest Eutrophication in their lakes up to 60% while in Africa it is the least, 28%. It is nothing but fertiliser flowing to the ocean and its impact. • Ocean Warming: Top 2000 feet of ocean has got warmed about 1.5 Degrees Fahrenheit since 1900. • Dead zones were 400 in 2008 while the recorded dead zones in 2019 were 700, it might have got doubled in fact by now, where marine lives cannot live due to lack of sufficient oxygen availability for breathing and thus due to high pollution not suitable for complete life cycle of any known fishes or species. • Out of 16000+ Key Marine Biodiversity Areas more than half that is more than 8000+ Marine Biodiversity areas are NOT Protected and Not properly taken care. • Ocean Sciences Budget is just 1.2% of National Research Budgets which is insufficient • More than 3 Billion People live on Oceans for their livelihoods hence for sustainability half of the 193 member states are encouraging and have started small scale fishers as big fishers over exploit the oceans. • In Pandemic Masks, Plastic bottles for sanitisation and hand wash, got their outlets in oceans and lockdown overlooked above mentioned problems as none could go out of their homes, E.g. Collection of plastic waste could not be carried out in most of the places during pandemic lockdowns. NOW LET’S See Targets and Indicators for SDG14. SDG 14 Targets and Indicators: • Target 14.1: Preventing and Reducing Marine Pollution of kinds till 2025, including: • Land Based Activities, • Marine Debris and Nutrient Pollution • Indicator 14.1.1: • A: Index of Eutrophication: Means the fertilisers flown into the oceans: • Parts/ Billion i.e. Parts Per Billion i.e. PPB, OR • Microgram/ Litre • Then there are more calculations: • Eutrophication Equivalent is calculated in terms of C, O, H, and N combination of equations. • It is also calculated as a Phosphate Equivalent i.e. PO4 • B. Plastic Debris Density: In 2020: • Microplastic Density in ocean was found to be 0.88 to 1.01 gm per cubic cm (gm/cm3) • Plastic Density: • On Surface was almost 2 items per meter square i.e. 2 items/m2 • Below 10 cm debris were almost 50 items/ m2 • Out of these both above cases almost 98% debris on surface or below 10 cm water was plastic. • Target 14.2: By 2020, Manage Marine Ecosystem of Oceans to make them productive again by taking whatever measures possible to make them sustainable • Indicator 14.2.1: Number of nations using ecosystem-based approach to manage marine areas • Target 14.3: Reducing Ocean Acidification by international cooperation • Indicator 14.3.1: Average Marine Acidity pH value, at different sampling stations. The Value of pH is 7 for Neutral Water, and for less than 7 it’s Acidic and for more than 7 it’s Basic. • Target 14.4: Regulate the fishing so that fishes are biologically sustainable and are available for fishing as per their lifecycle at their maximum yield • Indicator 14.4.1: Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels • Target 14.5: By 2020, Conserving the 10% marine areas consistent with national and international law • Indicator 14.5.1: Coverage of Protected areas in relation with the Marine Areas • Pandemic Lockdowns might make us have a relook at this pointer. • Target 14.6: By 2020, removing subsidies on certain fisheries, as integral part of the World Trade Organisation fisheries subsidies negotiation, which instigate illegal, unreported, and unregulated overfishing • Indicator 14.6.1: Degree of implementation of international instrument aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing • Target 14.7: By 2020, Improving the sustainable management of fisheries, aquaculture and tourism so as to economically benefit the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDC). • Indicator 14.7.1: (Proportion of Sustainable Fisheries/ GDP), in SIDS, LDC and all countries. • Target 14.a: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and guidelines can help in transferring knowledge and technology related to marine biodiversity and helping improving the research this area, that can benefit the LDC and SIDC. • Indicator 14.a.1: Proportion of Budget dedicated to marine technology / Total Research Budget • Target 14.b: Provide access for small scale artisanal (individual poor fishermen) fisheries to marine resources and market • Indicator 14.b.1: Degree of the implantation of the legal framework/ regulatory framework to protect and benefit the small-scale artisanal fishermen • Target 14.c: Enhancing the Conservation and Sustainable use of the oceans by implementing international law as per the UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) and as per the paragraph 158 of THE FUTURE WE WANT. • Indicator 14.c.1: Number of countries making progress on protecting, conserving Ocean resources for their sustainable use as per the UN Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS). • Finally, in Marathi one proverb is there, “Jal Hech Jeevan” means “Water is Life” i.e. “Life depends on Water”. So let’s protect and sustain our oceans and its resources.

SDG13 Stop Climate Change: Now or Never, Needed Post Pandemic Corrections and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG13 Stop Climate Change: Now or Never, Needed Post Pandemic Corrections and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
SDG 13: Problems created or aggravated by Pandemic: YouTube Video: • Climate Crisis unabated (Ditto words of UN on SDG13 • In 2017 reached 1 Degrees Celsius above the Pre-Industrial level temperature, if want to reduce temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius then we are falling behind 2015 Paris Agreement. • Shifting Economies to Carbon Neutrality is on hold due to Pandemic and it needs Post Pandemic Correction to achieve above mentioned 1.5 degrees Celsius reduction by 2050. • Climate Finance increased in 2015-16 and 2017-18 by 10% and reached USD 48.7 Billion but again Pandemic has negative impact on it. • Out of 154 developing countries 125 have National Climate Adaptation Plan with highest priority given to: • Food Security and Production, but Pandemic have destroyed the complete value chain right from production reaching to consumers • Human Health, has big impact as only COVID 2019 patients were on focus and most of the other diseases were almost neglected, • Key Economic Sectors and Services, Due to lockdown it had the biggest impact, • Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystem, and • Freshwater Resources, also got impacted. SDG13: Targets and Indicators: • Target 13.1: • Strengthening Resilience • Strengthening Adaptive Capacity of All the Countries for: • Climate Related Hazards • Natural Disasters • Indicator 13.1.1: • Number of deaths in disaster/ 100,000 population, • Number of missing persons / 100,000 population, • Number of people directly affected / 100,000 population. • Indicator 13.1.2: Number of countries adopting SENDAI Framework 2015-2030 for Disaster Risk Reduction • Indicator 13.1.3: Proportion of local governments adapting National Risk Reduction strategies in line with SENDAI Framework 2015-2030 for Disaster Risk Reduction • Target 13.2: “Integrating climate changing measures into the national policies, strategies, and planning” Ditto as we saw in earlier Targets… • Indicator 13.2.1: Number of countries adapting to the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change with all details. • Indicator 13.2.2: Total Greenhouse Gas Emission of that nation / Year • Target 13.3: Improving Education, Awareness, and Human and Institutional and National Capacity on: • Climate Change • Climate Mitigation • Climate Adaptation • Disaster Early Warning • Disaster Impact Reduction • Indicator 13.3.1: Extend of the Education Reaching Grassroot level: • Global Citizenship Education and SDG: • Curricula, • Teachers Education and • Student Assessment (As we saw in earlier Target in details) • Indicator 13.3.2: Number of countries Adopted Target 13.3/ Out of 193 (present UNO members) • Target 13.a: Mobilising Green Climate Fund worth USD 100 Billion Every Year by 2020, as per the UN Convention on Climate Change to transparently see the action and results in developing countries. (It needs course correction due to pandemic and lockdowns) • Indicator 13.a.1: Amount provided in USD for collective mobilisation goal/ Planned USD 100 Billion per year commitment through 2025. • Target 13.b: Promote Mechanism for UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in: • Least Developed Countries • Small Island States • Including focus on Women, Youth, Local and Marginalised Communities • Indicator 13.b.1: As per the Intergovernmental, International and Global UN Framework Convention on Climate Change as reported to UN Secretariat with: • 1. Nationally Determined Contributions, • 2. Long Term Strategies, • 3. National Adaptations Plans, and • 4. Adaptation Communications • Ratio 1: Number of Least Developed Countries (Out of 46 LCD) are implementing above 4 pointers, • Ratio 2: Number of Small Island Developing States (Out of 52 SIDS) are implementing above 4 pointers. • Please note: These 2 are the main representative pointers and there are several other sub pointers, sub proportions, sub ratios, etc. are there as well. • These, I have given just to understand what exactly is happening with respect to SDG, and how they calculate and what are the actions we need to take. If we Achieve SDG first on Mother Earth and/or simultaneously go to Moon, Mars and Beyond, then humans will be called their own Best Friends, otherwise, all Humans, the so-called foes of each other’s, will be shaking hands with Dinosaurs fossils forever. Please save humanity. Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, India

SDG12 Ensuring Sustainable Need based not Greed based Production and Consumption, Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and Going To Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG12 Ensuring Sustainable Need based not Greed based Production and Consumption, Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and Going To Moon, Mars and Beyond
What does SDG 12 talks about? YouTube URL: • Sustainable Production and not exploitation of resources • Sustainable NEED based Consumption and not GREED based Consumption so that future generations also gets share into it. What are the Existing Problems, and which are the problems those got Aggravated or were created by Pandemic? Reference: SDG Reports Before Pandemic 2017/18 and SDG Reports After Pandemic 19/20/21, LinkedIn Newsletter: YouTube URL: • 1. Material Footprint increased by more than 70+% from 2000 till 2017: • Globally, 1 million Bottles of drinking water are bought/ Minute, • Worldwide, 5 Trillion Single Use Plastic Bags are thrown away/ Year • The Best Solution over plastic is 5R- Best is to Refuse, next best is to Reuse, Recycle, Reduce and Remove • 2. Electronic Waste (e-waste) is Proliferating: • In 2018 e-waste generated was 50 Million Tonnes, in 2019 it was 53.6 Million Tonnes, which might go two and half times more in 2050. Whopping, 7.3 Kilogram Generated/ Person (Capita) and is booming and mushrooming, while, • Only, 1.7 Kilogram Get Recycled, thus 60% is not Disposed of Responsibly • The Best Solutions for e-waste Management could not be implemented during Pandemic, E.g. Lot of that e-waste was neither recycled nor could be reused nor we could take any other measures due to lockdowns, hence, post pandemic correction is definitely required for this goal. • 3. Fossil Fuel subsidies of are continuing though it decreased by 21% to 419 and from 2019. However, if subsidies continued then definitely citizens will keep using it and it will continue, as due to Pandemic, people cannot afford other fuels in developing and poor countries. So this pointer needs a relook as it definitely cannot be achieved at par as decided to be reached, till 2030. • Now… SDG 12: Targets and Indicators: Target 12.1: Implementing the 10 year program on Sustainable consumption and production • The Developed countries should take responsibility for themselves and helping to pass on technologies to poor and least developed countries. • Indicator 12.1.1: Number of countries out of 193 nations, planning, adopting and implementing policy instruments aimed at Sustainable Consumption and Production. Target 12.2: By 2030 Achieving the Sustainable management and efficiently use of natural resources without over consumption or destroying the environment. • Indicator 12.2.1: • Material Footprint • Material Footprint/ Capita • Material Footprint/ GDP • Indicator 12.2.2: • Domestic Material Consumption • Domestic Material Consumption/ Capita • Domestic Material Consumption/ GDP Target 12.3: By 2030, • Reducing the per capita food waste at retail level, should be halved, • Reducing the per capita food waste at consumer level, should be halved, • Reduce Food losses during production itself, should be halved, • Reducing Food losses in Storage, Logistics and Supply Chains, should be halved, • Reducing Post Harvest Losses, should be halved. • Indicator 12.3.1: As per Food and Agriculture Organisation, FAO, UNO: • It measures the changes in percentage losses for a basket of 10 main commodities, inclusive and exclusive of value chain, by country in comparison with a base period: • Food Loss Index • Food Waste Index Target 12.4: By 2030 Achieving the Sound Environmental Management System for all inclusive least environmental hazards to any entity on Mother Earth by following the Agreed International Framework. • Indicator 12.4.1: All multilateral agencies to communicate all the relevant agreement based information as per the requirement. • Indicator 12.4.2: • Hazardous Waste Generated / Capita • Proportion of Hazardous Waster Treated/ Kind of Treatment Target 12.5: By 2030, Reducing, Waste Generated by Recycle and Reuse • Indicator 12.5.1: • National Recycling Rate, Tonnes of Material Recycled Target 12.6: Encouraging giant companies for integrating, implementing and creating the best sustainable practises WITH the information in to their reporting cycle to build transparency as well. • Indicator 12.6.1: Number of Companies Publishing Sustainability Report Target 12.7: Public Procurement Practices should be Transparent, Sustainable and National priorities and policies should match the relevant UN Framework and Agreements during the complete procurement process. • Indicator 12.7.1: Degree of Sustainable Procurement Policies and Action Plans Implementation Target 12.8: Building awareness about SDG and lifestyle in harmony with nature, by 2030. • Indicator 12.8.1: Extend to which: • i. Global Citizenship Education as a part of: • A. Curricula • B. Teacher Education • C. Student Assessment • ii. Education of Sustainable Development as a main stream in: • A. Curricula • B. Teacher Education • C. Student Assessment (It needs post pandemic course correction) Target 12.a: Supporting Developing Countries by providing technology and know how and financial help if needed for moving towards achieving sustainable production and consumption patterns • Indicator 12.a.1: Renewable Energy capability implemented in developing countries in Wattage/ Capita (It needs post pandemic course correction) Target 12.b: Developing Sustainable Tourism Impact tools calculators for monitoring: • Job creation, (It needs post pandemic course correction) • Promoting local culture and products • Indicator 12.b.1: Implementing Accounting tools to monitor: • Economics of Tourism • Environment impact due to tourism • Sustainability of Tourism Target 12.c: Encouraging Zero Pollution, at the same time, Rationalising Fuel Subsidies and balancing the Economics of Poor and Needy with the Reduction of Environmental plus Health Hazards (It needs post pandemic course correction) • Indicator 12.c.1: • Amount of Fossil Fuel Subsidies (Production and Consumption) / GDP Finally, a Simple Request: • “Living with nature and living naturally is better than living artificially against the nature, as ultimately tiny elements of which our body is made up of belonging to Revered Mother Earth those which we are thinking we are made up of will go back and mix with the revered Mother Earth, after our death! • Thus, protecting Environment while we are still alive, is nothing but protecting ourselves and so, Respecting Nature is Respecting ourselves. • Hence, we must ensure ourselves, that we are taking care of each particle within us, respect each entity around us, and show devotion to those particles of which we are made up of, which are going to mix with the revered Mother Earth. • Simple, Respect to Nature or Environment is Respect to Self or Humans.” If you have any suggestions, you are welcome. Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, India

SDG 11: HUMANE CITIES: All Inclusive Humane Purpose Cities, Post Pandemic Corrections and Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG 11: HUMANE CITIES: All Inclusive Humane Purpose Cities and Achieving SDG and Going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
What does SDG11 Talks about? YouTube URL: • LinkedIn Newsletter: • SDG11 talks about, “HUMANE CITIES!” • Cities must be All Inclusive, means poorest to the richest can live there • Cities must be Safe, means cleaning and other measures should be on the mark to avoid diseases, mosquitos, etc. • Cities must be Resilient, means they must be all weather proof, and • Cities must be Sustainable, means they must not be temporary shelter, but must last longer having futuristic requirements take care in advanced, to some extent. Impact of Pandemic on the SDG11: Reference: • Almost, 1.2 Billion i.e. More than 1/8th of the global population, live in slums, and Pandemic has devastated their whole life. They can’t move, they can’t stay at their place, they can earn, their kids can’t study, and government official made lockdown compulsory. • Proximity of neighbours could not keep the 1- or 2-meters social distancing, which made the living, a hell for slum dwellers. • Almost 80% of the slum dwellers live in: • Eastern and South Eastern Asia, 370+ million • Sub Saharan Africa, 238+ million, and • Central and Southern Asia, 226+ million. • Kids keep asking this,“135+ countries have Right To Education but nowhere 100% literacy is there? Why?” Similarly, “156 countries have National Urban Policies (NUP) but most of them are on the papers only, does it mean, that the Leaders Who Planned the SDG are Not Serious on it? Why?”  • The Average Global Share of Urban Area Allocated to Streets and Open Public Spaces is 30% but we could achieve 16% only. Surprised? How can any city get the best city award then?  Again kids question. • Only almost 50% of the global population have the convenient access to the Public transport of any kind. Ex. 500 meters walking distance for the Bus transport and 1 kilometre walking for the Ferry or Train Transport. So all slum dwellers will be left behind, in case access to affordable and sustainable transport are not improved, they’ll be spending more on transportation and so they will not be able to come up from extreme poverty. • Pandemic stalled many Public Transport Projects, so this SDG11 needs a course correction. • Thanks to city of Paris which has planned to become a 10 minutes city in coming 2 decades. Hope other cities will have still better plans and actions. What are Targets and Indicators of the SDG11? • Target 11.1: Ensuring Safe, Affordable Housing for all and upgradation of slums, so as to have all basic minimum facilities • Indicator 11.1.1: • Proportion of Population living in slums, • Proportion of Population living in informal settlements and • Proportion of Population living in inadequate housing. • Or / and All above together • Target 11.2: • Providing Safe, Affordable, Accessible, and Sustainable Transport System for all, • Improving Road Safety, • Expanding Public Transport, • Special Attention be given to the needs of: • Women • Children • Older people • Persons with disabilities, • Others in any Vulnerable situations • Indicator 11.2.1: Proportion of Public having convenient access to Public Transport: • By Gender • By Age • Persons with Disabilities • Target 11.3: Going for Sustainable Urbanisation with inclusive approach in all the countries • Indicator 11.3.1: Simple Ratio of: • Land Consumption Rate / Population Growth • Indicator 11.3.2: Proportion of Number of Cities having Direct democratic civil society participation in urban planning and management • Target 11.4: Protection of world’s cultural and natural heritage • Indicator 11.4.1: Total Per Capita Expenditure on Preservation, Protection, Conservation OF Cultural, Natural Heritage by: • Source of Funding: • May it be Public • May it private • Type of Heritage: • May it be Cultural • May it be Natural • Level of Government: • National • Regional • Local / Municipal • Target 11.5: Protecting the vulnerable and thus Reducing the deaths and destruction due to the disasters • Indicator 11.5.1: • Number deaths/ 100,000 population • Number of missing/ 100,000 population • Number of people directly affected/ 100,000 population • Economic Losses due to Disasters/ Total National GDP • Indicator 11.5.2: • Direct Economic Losses/ Global GDP • Direct Economic Losses includes: • Damage to Critical Infrastructure • Disruption of basic services attributed to disasters • Target 11.6: Reducing Environmental Impact on cities • If we calculate Per capita Impact of: • Air Pollution • Municipal and other Waste Management • Indicator 11.6.1: Solid Waste Collected and Discharged/ Total Solid Waste Generated by city or cities • Indicator 11.6.2: Annual Mean level of Particulate Matter in Cities • Target 11.7: Providing Inclusive and Universal Access to safe, green and public space to: • Women • Children • Older people, and • Persons with disabilities • Indicator 11.7.1: Average Built up area of open space for public use for above i to iv kinds of people. • Indicator 11.7.2: Proportion of above i to iv mentioned person/s who faced harassments in last 12 months • Target 11.a: Balancing and Strengthening, Environment and Development in urban, per-urban and rural areas • Indicator 11.a.1: • Number of countries having Urban or Regional Development Plans those are: • Flexible to Population Dynamics • Balanced Territorial Development • Increase Fiscal Space. • Target 11.b: By 2030 adopting holistically the SENDAI Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. What’s it? • SENDAI FRAMEWORK has following 4 PRIORITIES: I. Understanding Disaster Risk II. Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk, III. Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for Resilience IV. Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for effective response and to “Build Back Better” in recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction • These PRIORITIES Reduce: I. Mortality II. Affected People III. Direct Economic Loss impacting GDP IV. Impact on critical infrastructure and disruption to basic services • These PRIORITIES Increases: I. Number of countries having Implemented SENDAI Strategies II. International Cooperation (to reduce impact of disaster and getting timely help if any) III. Implementation of multi hazard early warning systems (to reduce damage) • TO MEASURE SENDAI FRAME WORK IMPLEMENTATION THERE ARE 7 GLOBAL TARGETS AND 38 INDICATORS. • For Details Please Refer: • Indicator 11.b.1: Number of countries having adopted SENDAI Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. • Indicator 11.b.2: Proportion of Local Governments adopting above SENDAI Framework kind of National Risk Reduction Strategies. • Target 11.c: By using local material helping the developing countries to build sustainable buildings by providing financial and technical knowhow It itself is the indicator in fact. If, you have any suggestions kindly let me know, will try to upgrade the contents, if possible. Thanks, and Regards. Dr. Ashish Manohar, Soulution Master, India

SDG10 Globally Reducing all forms of Inequalities, Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon Mars and Beyond

SDG10 Globally Reducing all forms of Inequalities and Achieving SDG and going to Moon Mars and Beyond:
SDG10 Globally Reducing Inequalities of all kinds: (YouTube URL: ) LinkedIn Newsletter: • What is the SDG talks about? (Reference: ) • SDG 10 talks about Globally Reducing Inequalities of all kinds, within the countries and among the countries • Now as usual we’ll discuss about Problems created or aggravated by the COVID-2019 Pandemic first, so that course corrections and solutions can be found out and later we’ll find out its impact on each Target and Indicator of SDG10: • Gini Index has increased. We generally don’t talk technical terms but if this index happens to be zero then there are not inequalities present in the society. However, it was never zero till date, and lot of work was done to reduce this gap. However, all work is lost due to Pandemic, 6% increase in the Gini Index was recorded. Thus, Inequality has increased and Richer have become extra richer and Poor have become still more poorer in developing and emergent markets. This impact is higher than the 2007 to 2009 global financial crises, due to Pandemic lockdowns. • In our own Survey we found that the people in the private sector in India and across the world suffered most and have come 1 level down in their Financials especially among the middle classes. Rest of the details later. • Proportion of Global Population per million has doubled since 2010 due to increase in war torn states, vulnerable states and failure states in 2020 and it is 311/ 100,000 globally right now. • Another point is people in the warn torn states try to migrate and in that more than 4000 people died in 2020. Are we kind and sensitive humans? Please think over it. • Another point is people leave their countries for better prospects or for job and then they send remittances to family back to their own countries. Even those remittances costs are almost 6.5% in 2020, and they are more than double than the target of 3% though they are at the lowest till date. • There can be definitely humanitarian side to this and each person’s background will be very useful while dealing each case on person to person basic so that misuse of the law cannot be there, sending money to old mother or father of relative costs 6% then this point needs a relook. SDG10 Targets and Indicators: • Target 10.1: By 2030 slowly and steadily bringing income growth of bottom 40% of the population above the national average. • Indicator 10.1.1: • Increase in Per Capita Income, • Increase in Total Population Income, • Increase in Per Capita Income of bottom 40% • Target 10.2: By 2030 empowering and promoting social, political and economic inclusion by: • Age • Gender • Person with disabilities • Race • Ethnicity • Origin • Religion • Economic Status, etc. other human created added divisions in society • Target 10.2: By 2030 empowering and promoting social, political and economic inclusion by: • Age • Gender • Person with disabilities • Race • Ethnicity • Origin • Religion • Economic Status, etc. other human created added divisions in society • Indicator 10.2.1: Proportion of People living below Median Income by: • Age, • Gender and • Persons with disability • Target 10.3: Creating Equal Opportunity and measures there of by: • Preparing Policies and Implementing them • Eliminating the discriminatory Laws • Promoting Appropriate Legislation • Promoting best practices • Outcome based Actions with respect to International Law on Discrimination • Indicator 10.3.1: Proportion of people reporting discrimination on above based point in last 12 months i.e. 1 year. • Target 10.4: Adopt fiscal, wage, financial inclusion, social protection, to achieve greater equality • Indicator 10.4.1: Share of Labour/ GDP • Indicator 10.4.2: Redistributive impact of Social Policies, in other words, Checking the impact of whatever social policies been implemented. • Target 10.5: This is national and inter-national level inequality pointer. In this global Financial Market is observed and the local as well as national financial institutions are strengthened with the regulations, by monitoring the impact of the fluctuations in the global financial domains as well as global market. • Indicator 10.5.1: Financially Sound Indicators  Someone asked what are those things? Please simplify… • So there 3 indicators: • a. Where the nations is stronger or sound enough or leading? • b. Where the nation is coincident as planned? • c. Where the nation is lagging behind? • Then there are indicators for all these 3 indicators:  • a. How is GDP performing going up or down or same as last time? • b. What is the Inflation? May it be Whole Sale Price Index or Consumer Price Index, etc. like that • c. Industrial Production, • d. Trade, • e. Exchange Rate of the local currency with dollar and/or any other international currency, • f. Balance of Payments, • g. Banking Indicators for the Financial Sector, etc. • Target 10.6: Listening to the Dependants for better inclusive output. Simple. • By Giving proper representation to the developing countries, • By Letting Global International and Financial Institutions deliver on: • Legitimate Institutions, • Accountable Institutions, • Effective Institutions, • Credible Institutions. • Indicators 10.6.1: • Proportion of Members from Developing Countries in the International Institutions, • Proportion of Members from Developing Countries in the International organisations, • Voting Rights of the Developing Countries in the International Institutions, • Voting Rights of the Developing Countries in the International organisations. • Target 10.7: Migrations of the people with legitimate policies. • Migration of people should be in orderly fashion, • Safe migration mobility and modes of transport • Migration must be regular and responsible and well managed so that none lose the track • Indictor 10.7.1: • (Recruitment cost borne by the employee in the destination country per year) / (What the person is earning in that country) • Indictor 10.7.2: • (Number of countries that offer orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of the people) / (Total UNO members) • Indictor 10.7.3: • (Number of people died or disappeared during migration before reaching their destination) / (Number of people actually migrated) • Indictor 10.7.4: Proportion of Population who are refugees, by country of origin: • ex. (Population from ABCD country as a refugee in that country/ Total Refugee in that country) • Target 10.a: Giving special treatment to Developing or Least Developed Countries as per the WTO Agreements • Indicator 10.a.1: “Proportion of Tariff line applied to import from Least Developed nations or developing countries with Zero Tariff”. •  “What’s that?” Some one asked. • In simple terms tax should be least, in fact should be zero, when importing products and services from under developed countries. • Target 10.b: Encouraging Official Developing Assistance including Financial like FDI to whom it needs most with intention to give boost to national plans of: • Least Developed Countries • African Countries • Small Islands • Landlocked under developed countries • Indicator 10.b.1: • Country who received FDI/ Donor Country, ex. 100 million/ Donated by India, • Donor Country Share / Total Resource Flow, etc. ex. 10% share of USA / Total 5 Billion FDI & Resource • Target 10.c: By 2030 reducing cost of transaction for Remittance to 3% and discarding offering transaction cost more than 5%. • Indicator 10.c.1: Remittance cost/ Total Remittance If a person observe, SDG are indicators to reduce the troubles and stresses of the humans living anywhere and everywhere on the mother earth. Final point of remittance shows that those who try to exploit will be eliminated from the process and system, it’s that simple. “Are humans going to fight wars for millions of years? We need Welfare not Wars. Why not same investment be made in Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond? Definitely our fundamentals of living, governing, government administrations, sources of earning money, and overall social values needs a relook, before it’s too late for humanity.” Copyright: Dr. Ashish Manohar, 2006. Pandemic has proved this point. Please think over it.

SDG 9: All Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable, the Innovation, the Industrialization and the Infrastructure, Post Pandemic Corrections needed, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond

SDG 9: All Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable, the Innovation, the Industrialization and the Infrastructure, and Achieving SDG and going to Moon, Mars and Beyond
LinkedIn Newsletter: YouTube Video: Problems faced during Pandemic: As per the SDG Report 2021 • 1. In 2020, during Pandemic Lockdown the Global Manufacturing DEACREASED by 6.8%, it’s a huge, when UN states that 7% growth is need of the day to Achieve SDG’s by 2030, especially in the Least Developed Countries, etc. Hence, course correction for SDG 2030 is needed for sure. • Air passengers dropped from 4.5 billion till the start of 2019 to 1.8 Billion in 2020 which is 60% decline. We already saw even the Globally International Travellers got dropped from 1.5 Billion to 381 million in the previous SDGs during the same period. • Out of 520 million Rural dwellers 300 million lack good access to roads in almost 25 countries. So the best Solution is investment in Rural Infrastructure globally especially in these 25 countries. • COVID-2019 Pandemic proved that 2 trillion investment and 1235 Researchers/ Million is far less and more investment can find better solutions. I already posted a question cum Solution on this problems, in the world bank discussion 13 times since 2004 till 2021. It’s like this. Imagine if viruses and bacteria which had no effect of any atrocities in the jungle environment or of temperature of -70 degrees in Antarctica or living in deep sea or living kilometres below earth inside the petroleum products….etc. and if they enters into the human space what will happen? Are we ready for the Catastrophe? Why don’t we have standard Solutions like building more than 100 Serum Institute of India like facilities in more than 100 countries so that urgent vaccines or medicines or therapy could be found out and built in emergencies? Please Think over it. • During the forth quarter manufacturing in the high and medium tech products increased by 4% in 2020 from that of 2019, but still MICROCHEAP or simply CHEAP SHORTAGE i.e. Semi Conductor shortage devasted the Supply Chain of many tech products, automobile Industry in January 2022 and Why is there a cheap shortage? , SDG9 Targets and Indicators: YouTube Video: • Target 9.1: Developing the best quality borderless Infrastructure globally for equitable human wellbeing with inclusive economic growth and affordable access to all • Indicator 9.1.1: Proportion of rural population with the proximity of all weather suitable road within 2 kilometres • Indicator 9.1.2: • Passenger Volume/ Mode of Transport and • Freight Volume / Mode of Transport • Target 9.2: Promoting Inclusive Industrialisation with increase in employment and GDP, and doubling the share of least developed countries by 2030 and this definitely needs course correction due to Pandemic. • Indicator 9.2.1: Manufacturing Value Added/ GPD • Indicator 9.2.2: Manufacturing Employment/ Total Employment • Target 9.3: It has lot of points with respect to small scale industries and enterprises with respect to developing countries: • Increasing Access to Financial Services, • Inclusive Affordable Credit, • Integration with Market value chain • Indicator 9.3.1: Proportion of Small Scale Industry/ Total Industry value added • Indicator 9.3.2: Proportion of Small Scale Industries with loan or line of credit • Target 9.4: Upgrading Industry Infrastructure for efficiency and environmentally sound technology • Indicator 9.4.1: Carbon Di Oxide/ Unit of Value Added • Target 9.5: Enhancing and Building Technological and Research and Development Capabilities by more investment public as well as private and also increasing the researchers population per million • Indicator 9.5.1: R & D Expenditure/ GDP • Indicator 9.5.2: Full Time Researchers/ 1 Million Inhabitants • Target 9.a: Facilitating Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure Development with Financial and Technological support to: • In Land locked countries • African countries • Least Developed Countries • Small Island States • Indicator 9.a.1: Total Official International Support to Infrastructure • This target needs course correction • Target 9.b: Supporting Domestic R & D at all levels and in all verticals • Indicator 9.b.1: Proportion of medium and high tech industry value added in total value added • Target 9.c: Significantly increasing reach of ICT and internet access at grass root level by 2020, especially in the least developed countries • Indicator 9.c.1: Proportion of population covered by mobile network, and technology • “Finally, in case values and ethics based humanity decides to expand their civilisation on Moon, Mars and Beyond by Achieving MDG/SDG on Mother Earth, and if each country, company, institution and each individual all are made part of the space age aim, action plan and value chain, then one day at least one Country or Company might break the light speed barrier and slowly we might go to various places in the universe and beyond”. This I quoted by God’s Grace many times. Also, Since, 2002 till 2007 from BBC to World Bank to my own UNESCO Engineering Congress Publications, I have quoted following: • “Dobereiner's triads matches MDG, next level goals (SDG) could match Newlands' Octave, next level could match the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table, but, I suggest here Universal Goals that could match Modern Periodic Table, to let ethics and values based human civilization live forever by better governance, practices, faster ideas and best practices communications between humans to humans and other species on different places and dimensions, and by developing safe and reliable technologies like faster than light commutation, too. All procedures and systems should be made public, globally, Now, so that all the value chains, of all the organizations, institutions, individuals are aligned and encouraged to be part of this great plan and realistic activity, to establish human civilization on the Moon, Mars and Beyond”. Copyright: Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude, 2007: YouTube Video: