Monday, May 27, 2024

Let's not play VUCA with Mother Nature

Dr. Pethururaj Chelliah, Chief Architect Reliance Jio on Sustainable Ethical Computer/ICT/ AI Education

In the Series of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and going to Moon, Mars, Infinte Galaxies/ Universes/ Dimesions/ Spaces / Places/ Celestial bodies, today we are going to see: 1. How should be the Information and Computer Technology evolve ethically with moral and humneterian values so that it's used for the benefits of all the entities by mitigating the negative sides... 2. How Aritificial Interlligence/ AI, IoT, LLM, SLM, Hardware to support Robotics, Real time decision can help establish human civilisation on Moon, Mars and beyond? 3. How to reduce energy consumption? 4. How to inculcate moral and ethical values right from younger age so that human civilisation really sustain. 5. How technology after 6th generation is going to help communication between the devices and robots and humans and technologies so that we can really establish human bases and without human intervention the robots can develop the real time sustaining human civilisation technologies on other places than Mother Earth? 6. How Aritficial Interlligence can help avoioding Environmental Catastrophe on Mother Earth? 7. Role of ICT Education, beyond getting job, for technology students, and beyond achieving Sustainable Develpoment Goals everywhere humans may go. Rest, just watch the interview. Interview of: Dr. Pethruraj Chelliah/ Dr. Peter, Ph.D. IISc Bangalore, Post Dcotorate from 2 Japanese Universities, having worked with Wipro as a Consultant and IBM as an Expert of SOA, UC, IoT and AI and presently is a Chief Architect in Reliance Jio Platform. YouTube url: Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dr. Vinay Nangia, Former Head DOMS, IIT Roorkee on, "Evolving Management Education towards Space Age!"

Dr. Vinay Nangia, Former Head DOMS, IIT Roorkee on, "Evolving Management Education towards Space Age!" YouTube url: Interviwed by: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dario Ruggiero, Economist, on, "How should be the space age education in the domain of Economics. Also, how to achieve sustainable goals by circular economy?"

Dario Ruggiero, Economist, on, "How should be the space age education in the domain of Economics, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever human may go. Also, he speaks about how to achieve sustainable goals by circular economy?" YouTube url: Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar

Dr. D. P. Kothari, Former Director IIT, Delhi, on, "How should be the space age education, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever humans may go!"

Dr. D. P. Kothari, Former Director IIT, Delhi, on, "How should be the space age education, to achieve Sustainable Goals on Mother Earth and whereever human may go!" Though he has lot of limitations and was suffering from high fever, still he called and we went to his home and interviewed him on this issue. Interviewer: Dr. Ashish Manohar, YouTube url:

Selfless soul can remain always happy

In the infinite world of God, there are infinite opportunities

Sustainble Goals are selfless goals and not selfish goals

Self Discovery starts at self and ends at biggger self, so, ultimately starts with self and ends with self.

Let's achieve universal health

Women must not spend more than 4 hours in kitchen and invest in making life good for the whole humanity

Pandemic proved, humanity matters, and achieving sustainble goals is not an option but necessity.

Truthful life, is real life, in theory as well as practise

Let's take humane decisions with human values and ethics for humanity, to achieve sustainable goals

We are citizen of the Mother Earth and infinte worlds, in fact.

Please visit YouTube url for watching, "Agriculture disastor to sustainable develpment in India":

If we achieve Sustainable Education Goals we might achieve SDG on Mother Earth, Moon, Mars and beyond