Sunday, September 20, 2009

From where will new ideas come in the present century?

From where will new ideas come in the present century?

From USA, Japan, China, India, Europe, Australia, Africa, Antarctica, Arctic Circle, from other planet?

Let us also think from other directions on this issue.

Let us think, from where the new ideas will come and which country/continent/county/component/city and finally individual will dominate?

In fact ideas and innovation always comes from eclectic sources and no one can say that one particular idea may not come from Antarctica or from Arctic Circle, these continents may not dominate but that idea generated will dominate the world.

Any how, there are infinite angles to discuss here.

Asia with sheer population, educated population, may dominate a bit, however, when it comes to implement USA, Europe and Australia could dominate 21st century.

Also, why not Africa in picture? It could dominate at the human resource supply chain to the developed nations who could generate innovative ideas for their firms.

On more point, in fact the biodiversity Africa has no other continent has, hence, in the field of Biotechnology, Biosciences, Life Sciences, Africa has capability to take lead.

In the field of technology Japan and India could compete with USA and Europe.

In Manufacturing even China could get strong challenge from lesser known but cheaper cost countries.

Thus I mean to say the market it still open and competition is still open on manufacturing front.

Finally, there is one more possibility that, some one or two or some firms/organizations, will come with all inclusive model and will take a lead. Thus, it may not be a country or continent that will dominate. Already it has happened in the field of Automobile in the 20th century that only top 10 organizations dominated the Automobile Sector all around the world, irrespective of which country they were.

Hence, I firmly believe that still anything and everything is possible.

Coming more.

World Ranking 2009 in Corporate world

World Ranking 2009 in Corporate World

Tech consultancy:!ut/p/c5/hZDdToNAEIWfxSeYqUv5uVxabJHdhRWosDcN2oqQFtAi6j69NPHC2jSdyVx9OTPnDCgYuymGqiz6qm2KHWSgzLU5cURsLW8xNBYUfVsu7mzu4ywxRp7_5ZLM0cdYcGJOGWGTK-pHyNBYx7Xd8e8-Y3o2JLWWKJiPQo_z7n0eNkm0WT2kLnXfOBFy1KjTrec3jxwvFMX_-hNXgTUFsWz3W7gHVe7ap-MPXMhBWZeDWJD8BsGOs0PDtRNGjPecSSfQfAi1N5D4-YvRFTM_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

Tech Consultancy best to work for:

How consulting firms manage to stay at the top? See how Mckinsay does it

How consulting firms manage to stay at the top? See how Mckinsay does it.

Tops in World Ranking this year as well:!ut/p/c5/hZDdToNAEIWfxSeYqUv5uVxabJHdhRWosDcN2oqQFtAi6j69NPHC2jSdyVx9OTPnDCgYuymGqiz6qm2KHWSgzLU5cURsLW8xNBYUfVsu7mzu4ywxRp7_5ZLM0cdYcGJOGWGTK-pHyNBYx7Xd8e8-Y3o2JLWWKJiPQo_z7n0eNkm0WT2kLnXfOBFy1KjTrec3jxwvFMX_-hNXgTUFsWz3W7gHVe7ap-MPXMhBWZeDWJD8BsGOs0PDtRNGjPecSSfQfAi1N5D4-YvRFTM_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


Knowledge Management most happening subject in knowledge explosion era

Knowledge Management the most happening subject in knowledge explosion era

Robots with their own brain for self management and controls

Robots with their own brain for self management and controls

Ethical Rules to generate, manufacture and use Robots

Ethical Rules to generate, manufacture and use Robots

Interesting discussion on longest distance in Universe

Interesting discussion on longest distance in Universe

Locust efficient flying inspires scientists to develop next generation aeroplanes

Locust efficient flying inspires scientists to develop next generation aeroplanes

Friday, September 18, 2009

Similarities in all Religions and Similar festivals in all the Religions

Similarities in all Religions and Similar festivals in all the Religions

Once made a chart to know similarities in all the religions and similar festivals in all the existing religions in the existing world.

Surprisingly wishes of all humans are similar in corners of the world, it is human being who follow some religion, the ways are different but end result and wishes are same, hindus call it mukti/ atmagyan budhdhist call it nirvana, christians call it salvation, etc.

Amazingly, many festivals are similar, many practises are similar, many dogmas are similar, many followers and spiritual leaders are similar, all religions believe in ultimate (one) reality, etc.

As there is Diwali in Hindus, Christians have Christmas, as there are Roja in Islam there are Navratri in Hindus, etc.

Amazingly many of my friends and mine have gone through the text of all major religions, Kuran, Bible, Geeta, Puranas, Vedas, Adigranth, Guru Granthsahib, etc. and hence tried to make similarity chart and the significance behind to remain on the well defined holy, pious, pure track of life prescribed in all religions.


Searching for that chart once get it I'll put here, otherwise again recollect it and will put here, as ultimately humanity is one and we need to survive and sustain to go to places in Multiverse.

coming more.

Dr. Ashish Manohar Urkude